Solitary circumscribed neuroma: An often-misdiagnosed Neural tumour, Case report with Review of literature.

Solitary circumscribed neuroma

  • Dr. K.Sameera Senior Medical Officer - Pathology, HAL Industrial Health centre, Bangalore
  • Dr. Shilpa.N Senior Medical Superintendent - Pathology, HAL Industrial Health Center, Bangalore
  • Dr. Areefun Almas F. Shaikh Senior Medical Officer - Dermatology, HAL Industrial Health Center , Bangalore
Keywords: SCN (Solitary circumscribed neuroma), Palisaded encapsulated neuroma (PEN) Schwannoma, Intratumoral clefts


Solitary circumscribed neuroma (SCN) also called Palisaded encapsulated neuroma (PEN) is a benign neural tumour, which usually present as skin coloured papule or nodule on face. Clinically, often it mimics Intradermal melanocytic nevus or cutaneous neurofibroma. Microscopically it mimics a neurofibroma and schwannoma, especially when there is nuclear palisading or even a cutaneous leiomyoma if there are epithelioid cells rather than the usual spindle cells. Here we are reporting two cases of SCN, over the face with characteristic histomorphological findings of Intratumoral clefts


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How to Cite
Dr. K.Sameera, Dr. Shilpa.N, & Dr. Areefun Almas F. Shaikh ,. (2024). Solitary circumscribed neuroma: An often-misdiagnosed Neural tumour, Case report with Review of literature. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 10(02). Retrieved from
Case Report