Histopathological evaluation of endometrial biopsies and curetting’s in abnormal uterine bleeding
Introduction: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is the most common complaint in the gynecology out-patient department with different presentations and varied causes. Endometrial sampling is needed to investigate the cause of AUB.
Aim: This study was done to evaluate histopathology of endometrium and observe the incidence of various endometrial pathology patterns in different age groups presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding.
Materials and Methods: The current study was done at Malla Reddy Medical College for Women, Hyderabad, India, on cases of abnormal uterine bleeding who underwent endometrial sampling. A statistical analysis between age of presentation and specific endometrial causes was done using χ2 test.
Results: We studied231 cases. The most common pattern observed was normal cycling endometrium (56.27%). The other morphological patterns were endometrial hyperplasia (19.48%), disordered proliferative pattern (5.62%), complications of pregnancy (4.76%), benign endometrial polyp (2.6%), chronic endometritis (2.16%) and carcinoma (0.86%). The most common age group presenting with AUB was 40-49 years (47.18 %) followed by 30-39years (33.76%). Endometrial causes of AUB and age distribution was statistically significant with P value<0.05.
Conclusion: There is an age specific association of endometrial lesions. Atrophy and carcinoma endometrium are predominant in peri-menopausal and post-menopausal age. Endometrial curettings and biopsy proved to be an important diagnostic procedure for assessment and subsequent management of abnormal uterine bleeding.
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