A study of E- Cadherin in benign and malignant breast lesions with its correlation with histopathology

  • Dr ravikant Verma Bava raghav das medical College gorakhpur up
  • Dr Shilpa Vahikar B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
  • Dr Shaila Kumari Mitra B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
  • Dr Aakanchha Dubey B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
  • Dr Pushpendra Sagar B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
  • Dr Kanchan shrivastava B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
  • Dr Deval brajesh B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
  • Dr Dharmendra Singh B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP
Keywords: E- Cadherin, Benign Breast Lesion, Malignant Breast Lesions, Histopathology



Breast diseases are showing a rising trend worldwide. A number of studies have been done to show the magnitude of problem. Various breast lesions include inflammatory lesions, benign proliferative breast diseases like firoadenosis, fibrocystic disease papillomas etc. and various cancers. Much concern is given to malignant lesions of breast. Breast cancer ranks first among malignant tumors affecting female in many part of world.

Aims And Objectives

  1. We aimed to study correlation between histopathology and immunohistochemical analysis of E- cadherin in benign and malignant breast lesions
  2. To study role of E- cadherin in differentiating benign verses malignant breast lesions

STUDY DESIGN- Cross-sectional study.

SAMPLE SIZE- The present study was conducted on 100 cases of breast tumors. The study was carried out to find out the histological type of lesion along with role of E-cadherin in benign and malignant breast lesions.

INCLUSION CRITERIA FOR HISTOPATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION-Resected breast tissue specimens suspected to have benign and neoplastic lesions along with all the mastectomy specimen.


  • Inadequate tissue sample.
  • Autolysed tissue sample.


RESULT- Out of 100 cases studied, 22 cases were benign and 78 cases were malignant lesions.


CONCLUSION- Present study demonstrates that E-cadherin is strongly expressed in all benign breast lesions and there is increasing loss of E-cadherin expression with increasing grade/severity of malignancy.


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Author Biographies

Dr Shilpa Vahikar, B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP


Dr Shaila Kumari Mitra, B R D medical college Gorakhpur UP



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How to Cite
Verma, D. ravikant, Dr Shilpa Vahikar, Dr Shaila Kumari Mitra, Dr Aakanchha Dubey, Dr Pushpendra Sagar, Dr Kanchan shrivastava, Dr Deval brajesh, & Dr Dharmendra Singh. (2023). A study of E- Cadherin in benign and malignant breast lesions with its correlation with histopathology. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 9(2), 5-12. Retrieved from https://pathology.medresearch.in/index.php/jopm/article/view/621
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