Clinicopathological study of Meningioma
Introduction: Meningiomas are tumors that arise from the meningothelial cells. They are commonly located at intracranial, intraspinal or occasionally ectopic site. They show histological diversity and are categorized into three grades. This grading helps in predicting their behaviour and deciding treatment strategy.
Aims and Objectives: To study the incidence, anatomical location, sex and age Predilection, histological variants and grading of meningiomas based on WHO 2016 classification. To correlate clinical features and radiological findings with those of histopathological findings.
Materials and Methods: The study is carried out in the Department of Pathology, Dhiraj General Hospital, Piparia from November 2016 to July 2018. 30 tumors specimen diagnosed as meningioma by radiology and neurosurgery department, sent to department of pathology were included in the study. Analysis of histological features, typing and grading of all cases was done according to WHO 2016 classification of meningioma.
Results: Total 30 meningioma tumors were included in the study. Most of them were intracranial, predominantly involving the posterior fossa of brain, females and the 41-60 age group. The most common histological subtype was psammomatous followed by meningothelial. Majority (93.33%) were benign grade I tumors. In 90% cases radiological diagnosis matched exactly with histopathological diagnosis.
Conclusion: Meningiomas are slow growing tumors arising from the meningothelial cells accounting for 15-30 % of all CNS neoplasms showing a variety of histological patterns, more common in women, predominantly Grade I tumors. Recurrence of tumors depends on histological grade and extent of surgery.
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