Comparative study of expression of keratins 8, 10, 13 and 17 in CIN III and invasive carcinoma of cervix
Introduction: The role of keratin expression patterns as candidate tumour markers continues to be under investigation in human cervix carcinogenesis. Keratin comprise of family of at least 20 intermediate filament proteins that have a specific distribution pattern in epithelial tissue.
Objective: The present study was conducted with an aim to identify CINI, II and CINIII in tissue sections with the help of immunohistochemistry of specific diagnostic markers so as to reduce the burden of invasive cervical carcinoma and to evaluate the role of cytokeratin 8,10,13 and 17 for differentiating CINIII from cervical carcinoma along with its correlation with histopathological diagnosis of these lesions.
Method: We examined the immunohistochemical staining of CK8, CK10, CK13 and CK17 in 64 cases of reference cervix, CINIII lesions and invasive cervical carcinoma.
Results: In present study cytokeratin 8 has sensitivity 40% and specificity 100%, cytokeratin 10 has sensitivity 80% and specificity 40%, cytokeratin 13 has sensitivity 100% and specificity 80% and cytokeratin 17 has sensitivity 40% and specificity 100% in invasive cervical carcinoma. In the CIN III lesions, cytokeratin 8 has sensitivity 56% and specificity 100%, cytokeratin 10 has sensitivity 80% and specificity 79%, cytokeratin 13 has sensitivity 100% and specificity 75% and cytokeratin 17 has sensitivity 72% and specificity 100% in cervical intraepithelial lesion III.
Conclusions: We observed that expression of keratins 8 and 17 and loss of keratins 10 and 13 are good markers of malignant transformation in human cervix. Keratin expression patterns, namely expressions of keratin 10 can be useful for studying and grading squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix.
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