Retrospective Study of histomorphological spectrum of ovarian tumours in GCS Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Ahmedabad
Background and objectives: Ovarian tumours accounts for 30% of female genital cancers and have become increasingly important not only because of the large variety of neoplastic entities but also because they have gradually increased the mortality rate. Ovarian neoplasm remains asymptomatic until there is massive ovarian enlargement which causes compression of pelvic structures, ascites, abdominal distension or distant metastasis.Thus present study was undertaken to analyze the frequency of various histomorphological spectrum, histological subtypes and age distribution pattern of ovarian tumours.
Methods: Retrospective study was carried during period of 1st June 2017 to 30st November 2018, 57 cases of ovarian neoplastic lesions were taken from the records of the department.
Results: A total number of 57 cases were studied. Among these, 41cases (71.92%) were of benign tumours, 2 cases (3.50%) were of borderline tumours and 14 cases (24.56%) were of malignant tumours. Serous cystadenomas (26/41) (63.41%) were the commonest benign tumours followed by Mucinous cystadenomas (6/41)(14.63%). Among the malignant surface epithelial tumours serous cystadenocarcinomas (6/14) (42.86%) were most common followed by Mucinous cystadenocarcinomas (3/14) (21.43%). Germ cell neoplasms constituted 19.30% of all ovarian neoplasms.
Conclusion: Ovarian tumours cannot easily be diagnosed by clinical symptoms only, histological examination is therefore necessary for diagnosis and grading of ovarian tumours. Females with family history of endometrial and breast carcinoma has got increased incidence of ovarian carcinoma and ovary is also common site for metastasis from other primary gynecological as well as non gynecological carcinomas e.g. endometrium, stomach and breast. Hence present study was carried out in the department of pathology for early diagnosis of ovarian carcinomas, their histological sub typing and their age distribution pattern.
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