Fine needle aspiration cytology-a boon in the diagnosis of cutaneous metastasis
Cutaneous metastasis is an uncommon manifestation of visceral malignancy (0.8-5%) indicating a grave prognosis. Cutaneous metastasis manifests as nodules, ulceration, cellulitis or fibrotic processes. Lesions are solitary or multiple frequently found near the primary tumour. The most frequent organs presenting with cutaneous metastasis are breast, skin (melanoma), lung, colon, stomach, upper aerodigestive tract, kidney and the uterus. On histopathology they can be classified as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma and other miscellaneous types. The present series involves 3 cases of cutaneous metastasis diagnosed on FNAC. First case of osteosarcoma presenting as swelling in femoral region, second case as swelling in cervical region from cancer oesophagus and third case presented with swelling over sternum from an unknown primary. FNAC is the first line diagnostic procedure for diagnosis of cutaneous metastasis.It is inexpensive, simple and fast diagnostic tool confirming clinical diagnosis.
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