Primary actinomycosis of the right upper extremity - an unusual presentation
Actinomycosis, Abscess, Discharging sinus, Extremity, Swelling
Actinomycosis is a chronic disease characterized by multiple abscesses, granulomas, tissue destruction, extensive fibrosis and formation of sinuses. We report a case of 45 year old female with primary cutaneous actinomycosis of right upper extremity, which is a very rare site of occurrence. The patient was treated successfully with extended period antimicrobial treatment with Doxycycline (spacing) and Cefixime.
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6. Ashok R Nayak, ShreepadKulkarnil, Gireesh P Khodnapurand VinayakSantosh. ActinomycoticFungal Infection of Foot – A Case Report. IJBAR 2013; 04(12): 946-949.
7. Lewis MAO, Macfarlane TW, McGowan DA. A microbiological and clinical review of the acute dentoalveolar abscess. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1990; 28 (6): 359-366.
8. Gholamreza R, et al. Actinomycosis may be presented in unusual organs – report of two cases. Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Research 2009; 3(6): 1938-1941.
9. Francisco Acevedo, Rene Baudrand, Luz M. Letelier, Pablo Gaete. Actinomycosis: a great pretender. Case reports of unusual presentations and a review of theliterature. International Journal of Infectious Diseases;2008; 12: 358 – 362.
2. Jacob Bettesworth, Kirandeep Gill,Jayesh . Primary Actionomycosis of the Foot: A Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of the American College of Certified Wound Specialists 2009; 1:95-100.
3. Fayman M, Schein M, Braun S. A foreign body related actinomycosis of a finger. J Hand Surg Am. 1985 May;10(3):411-2. [PubMed]
4. Blinkhorn RJ Jr, Strimbu V, Effron D, Spagnuolo PJ. 'Punch' actinomycosis causing osteomyelitis of the hand. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Dec;148(12):2668-70.
5. Z Singh Kundu, R Singh, P Rana, R Bala, S Sangwan, P Walecha. Actinomycosis of Hand and Wrist: A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery.2006;5(1).
6. Ashok R Nayak, ShreepadKulkarnil, Gireesh P Khodnapurand VinayakSantosh. ActinomycoticFungal Infection of Foot – A Case Report. IJBAR 2013; 04(12): 946-949.
7. Lewis MAO, Macfarlane TW, McGowan DA. A microbiological and clinical review of the acute dentoalveolar abscess. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1990; 28 (6): 359-366.
8. Gholamreza R, et al. Actinomycosis may be presented in unusual organs – report of two cases. Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Research 2009; 3(6): 1938-1941.
9. Francisco Acevedo, Rene Baudrand, Luz M. Letelier, Pablo Gaete. Actinomycosis: a great pretender. Case reports of unusual presentations and a review of theliterature. International Journal of Infectious Diseases;2008; 12: 358 – 362.

DOI: 10.17511/jopm.2018.i01.10
Published: 2018-03-31
How to Cite
Dr. Pratibha. S., Dr. Arundhathi. S., Dr. Lakshmi. K. S., & Praveen Kumar R. (2018). Primary actinomycosis of the right upper extremity - an unusual presentation. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 4(1), 59-62.
Case Report