Role of Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in patients presenting with cervicallymphadenopathy referred to Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch
Background and Aim: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a simple, quick and inexpensive method that is used to sample superficialmasses like cervical lymph node found in the neck and is usually performed in the outpatient clinic. Cervicallymphadenopathy is a common clinical presentation across patients of all age group. The aetiology may range from a benign nonspecificinflammation to lymphoproliferative disorders and metastatic malignancy. The present study was undertaken to study non neoplastic andneoplastic lesions of enlarged lymph nodes by Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in patients presenting with cervical lymphadenopathyreferred to pathology department from the Gujarat Adani Institute of medical science, Bhuj, Kutch over a period of two years.
Methods: Total of 850 patients were subjected to FNAC of cervical lymph nodes over two years period. Since in 35 patients, the aspirate was inadequate the remaining 815 cases were analyzed.
Results: Overall tuberculous lymphadenitis was the most common finding (42.45%), followed by reactivehyperplasia (35.09%). Malignant pathology accounted for 20.24% of cervical lymph node enlargement, most of which was due to metastaticsquamous cell carcinoma (65.4%).
Conclusion: This study highlights the usefulness of FNAC as a reliable method for diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy
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