Pleomorphic adenoma of palpebral
lobe of lacrimal gland masquerading as skin adnexal tumor of eyelid
S S 1, Agrawal A2,
Chandan R H3
1Dr. Sujata S Giriyan, Professor and
Head, 2Dr. Akanksha Agrawal,
Resident, 3Dr. Rajesh H Chandan,
Associate Professor, All authors are
affiliated with Department of Pathology, Karnataka Institute of Medical
Sciences, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
Address for
Correspondence: Dr. Akanksha Agrawal; Email:
Occurrence of Lacrimal gland tumorsis rare. Benign
epithelial tumors are more common of which pleomorphic adenoma is
commonest. They usually occur in the orbital lobe of lacrimal gland
however, they mayrarely occur in palpebral lobe. FNAC helps to rule out
other pathologies and narrows the differential diagnosis. We describe a
case of young female who presented with a nodular right upper eyelid
swelling, clinically diagnosed as a skin-adnexal tumor. On FNAC,
diagnosis of Chondroidsyringoma of skin adnexawas given.
Histopathologically however it was confirmed to be Pleomorphic adenoma
of lacrimal gland. Although rare, possibility of both chondroidsyringoma
and pleomorphic adenoma of palpebral lobe of lacrimal gland should be
considered in case of a mobile, nodular swelling in the upper eyelid.
FNAC aids in diagnosis, however, histopathological examination remains
the diagnostic gold standard.
Key words: Lacrimal
gland, Epithelialtumors, Chondroidsyringoma, Pleomorphic adenoma
Manuscript received:
16th August 2017, Reviewed: 24th
August 2017
Author Corrected: 1st
September 2017, Accepted for Publication:
8th September 2017
Lacrimal gland is a bi-lobedeccrine secretory gland located
insupero-lateral and extra-conal regionof the orbit[1]. The orbital
lobe is larger than the palpebral lobe. The lacrimal gland is a
non-encapsulated gland composed of ducts and acini[2].
Tumors of lacrimal gland are rare in fine needle aspiration
practice[3]. Amongst all, the most common epithelial tumor is
pleomorphic adenoma [4,5]. Lacrimal gland pleomorphic adenoma occurs
commonly in second to fifth decades of lifeand has slight female
preponderance. The most frequent symptom is a painless palpable mass in
the upper external quadrant of the orbit or less frequently a nodular
mass in the eyelid[6].
FNAC helps to rule out lymphoma, pseudotumor or malignancy, and thus
aids inearly diagnosis and to plan appropriate treatmenttohelp preserve
vision and prevent malignant transformation in benign tumors
[7].However, the definitive diagnosis is made on histopathological
Case report
A 26years female presented with a nodular swelling in the right upper
eyelid near the outer canthus of the eye of one month duration. It
gradually increased in size and was not associated with pain or
disturbance in vision. The sub-cutaneous swelling measured 0.5cm in
diameter, firm in consistency, non-tender and freely mobile.
On fine needle aspiration cytology, the smears were cellular which
showed presence of epithelial cells in clusters, sheets, ducts and
singles with mild anisonucleosis and scant cytoplasm. Few bare nuclei
with strands of myxoidstroma and occasional hyaline globules could also
be appreciated. A diagnosis ofchondroidsyringomaof skinadenexa was
given(figure1a & b).
The swelling was excised completely with appropriate margin and sent
for histopathological examination.
Grossly, the resected tissue was sent in two bits. On cut section, one
of the bits showed grey white areas and was firm in consistency.
Microscopically, there were clusters of epithelial cells arranged in
groups and ducts surrounded by myoepithelial cells. Also myoepithelial
cells were seen to be surrounded by and embedded inmyxoidstroma. A
diagnosis of pleomorphicadenoma of lacrimal gland was made(figure2a
Figure 1a
Figure 1:
FNAC 40x, (a:H&E, b: Wright’s); Epithelial cells in
clusters, Myoepithelial cells in singles, Presence of Hyaline globules
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
Figure 2:
HistopathologyH&E (a: Scanner, b: 40x) ;Tumor cells scattered
in myxoidstroma, forming vague ducts and acini. Epithelial cells are in
clusters and myoepithelial cells appear to ‘melt’
into the stroma.
Tumors of the lacrimal gland occur in<1 per 1,00,000population
per year[8]. Lacrimal glandtumours comprise about 5 to 25% of all the
orbital masses[9]. They are divided into epithelialand
non-epithelialtumors. Epithelial tumors of the lacrimal gland and of
which pleomorphic adenoma is the commonest, are more frequently
encountered as compared to the non-epithelial tumors[1,2].The incidence
of pleomorphic adenoma in the literature has been reported to be
9–27% of all the lacrimal gland tumours[5, 10].
Pleomorphic adenomas usually occur in the second and fifth decade of
life, and incidence is slightly more in females[6].The present case,
also a female of age 26years, presented with a nodular swelling in the
right eyelid.Pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland usually
manifests as a slowly progressive, painless superolateral orbital or a
palpabral mass. The chronicity, the absence of pain, and the
radiological evidence of no bony fossa erosion, suggest that a lacrimal
gland mass is benign rather than malignant[6, 10].
These tumors are epithelial in origin. Ductal epitheliumdevelops into
the epithelial component. The cellsin the myoepithelium form the
stroma[11, 12]. Although pleomorphic adenomas commonly involve the
orbital lobe of the lacrimal gland, they caninvolve the palpebral lobe
in about 10% of cases[6]. The palpebral lobe tumors are freely movable,
non-tender, and present for a shorter duration. They do not produce
proptosis or bony changes[13, 14]. Pleomorphic adenomas arising in the
palpebral lobe are excised with some normal lacrimal gland tissue[13].
Similar clinical picture was seen in present case where the patient
presented with a small nodular mass in the eyelid of just one month
FNAC reveals cellular smears mixed withstromal epithelial fragments
dispersed singly and in sheetswith fibrillarchondromyxoidstroma. The
cellular componentconsists of relatively uniform oval, plasmacytoid or
spindle cells with round to oval, eccentric nuclei, bland finely
granular chromatin with inconspicuous nucleoli. Cells with plasmacytoid
appearance have eccentric nuclei withabundant cytoplasm. Spindle or
rounded cells are present within the stromal fragments[7]. Fine needle
aspiration of the present case revealed such cytological
features(figure1a b).
Chondroidsyringoma is a tumor of sweat glands which presents with
similar microscopic picture on fine needle aspiration showing biphasic
population of cells in fibrillary and chondromyxoidstroma[15]. Since
the site of nodular mass in present case is eyelid which also has sweat
glands, Chondroidsyringoma forms one of the most important differential
of pleomorphic adenoma of palpabral lobe of lacrimal gland[16].
Therefore, on FNAC, the possibility of present casebeing
chondroidsyringoma was also considered.
Grossly, pleomorphic adenoma is grayish white, bossilated, solitary and
well circumscribed from the normal gland. It is covered by a thin
pseudocapsule formed by compressed connective tissue and reactive
fibrosis. Small tumor nests may be seen outside the pseudocapsule
(satellite lesions) and these cause a high incidence of recurrence when
a margin of normal tissue is not removed with the tumor. The cut
surface shows soft mucinous areas alternating with tough fibrous
areas[11, 12].
Histopathological examination shows the mixture of epithelial and
mesenchymal elements that led to the term benign mixed tumour[11]. The
epithelial components are variably sized ducts containing an inner
cuboidal to columnar epithelium and an outer flattened, spindle-shaped
myoepitheliallayer. The myoepithelial cells undergo metaplasia to form
myxoid tissue, cartilage, and bone(figure2a & b). Focal
squamous metaplasia and keratin production may be observed[12, 17, 18].
The best management is complete excision of the tumor. To minimize any
tumor seeding from microscopic extensions through the pseudocapsule, an
adequate margin of the surrounding lacrimal gland should be taken and
the tumour bed be inspected to prevent recurrences from satellite
lesions[6, 17].
Pleomorphic adenoma of palpebral lobe of lacrimal gland, although
uncommon should be considered as a differential diagnosis along with
chondroid syringoma in cases of firm nodular eyelid swellings[19].
Pleomorphic Adenoma is the most common epithelial tumor of the lacrimal
gland which occurs mainly in the orbital lobe and rarely in palpebral
lobe. FNAC can help differentiating benign from malignant tumors.
Definite diagnosis is given by histopathological examination. This
allows appropriate and targeted approach towards the management of the
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to ci te this article?
Giriyan S S, Agrawal A, Chandan R H. Pleomorphic adenoma
of palpebral lobe of lacrimal gland masquerading as skin adnexal tumor
of eyelid. Trop J Path Micro 2017; 3(3): 305-308. doi: 10.17511/