A case report on MDS –
MPD overlap syndrome – a diagnostic dilemma
Omhare A1, Singh SK2,
Srivastava K3, Mishra V4, Vahikar SU5
1Dr Anita Omhare, Pathology, Lecturer, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur,
Former SR St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi, 2Dr Sanjeev Kumar
Singh, Pathology, Assistant Professor. UPRIMS, Etawah, 3Dr Kanchan
Srivastava, Pathology, Assistant Professor, BRD Medical College,
Gorakhpur, Former Lecturer, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, 4Dr Vandana
Mishra, MD (Pathology), Lecturer, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, 5Dr
Shilpa U. Vahikar, Pathology, Associate Professor, BRD Medical College,
Address for
Correspondence: Dr Kanchan Srivastava, Assistant
professor, Pathology, BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur. E-mail:
Refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (RARS - T)
is a rare disease with a controversial status which presents a
diagnostic dilemma as it shows overlapping clinical, laboratory and
morphological features of two distinct entities-myelodysplastic
syndrome (MDS) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). In WHO
classification RARS–T is included in MDS/MPN–U
category. We report a case of 54 years female who presented with
weakness, intermittent fever, anemia along with thrombocytosis.
Hematological workup revealed hypercellular marrow with abnormal
megakaryocytes and presence of ring sideroblasts (46%). Further,
presence of JAK2V617F mutation indicated an underlying MPN and presence
of ring sideroblasts an element of MDS. RARS-T was first defined in
2001 as an overlap syndrome. Whether RARS-T is a separate clinical
entity or a result of additional acquired genetic defect resulting in
progression of RARS/ Essential Thrombocytosis (ET) is still a topic for
debate. Hence this unusual case emphasizes need for awareness of this
entity among clinicians and pathologists to enable its accurate
diagnosis and appropriate management.
Key words:
Myelodysplastic, Myeloproliferative, Thrombocytosis, Sideroblasts
Manuscript received: 30th
January 2017, Reviewed:
6th February 2017
Author Corrected:
14th February 2017,
Accepted for Publication: 21st February 2017
The classification of hematologic malignancies has evolved over the
years from acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemias in the FAB
classification based on morphology alone to the present day WHO
classification based on cell morphology, immunophenotyping and
cytogenetics. Three main categories of myeloid neoplasms are the acute
leukemias, the chronic myeloproliferative disorders and the
myelodysplastic syndrome {WHO classification [1]}. It is now well
recognized that there are some disorders which show one or more
features of these three categories. There are some overlap syndrome
disorders which show one or more features of these three categories
which sometimes presents a diagnostic dilemma and WHO classified these
disorders as Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm [1]. Treatment
modalities for these overlap syndromes are also not well defined.
RARS-T is included in the category of MDS/MPN Neoplasm Unclassifiable,
which is characterized by some signs of essential thrombocytosis
including marked increase in platelet count, hypercellular marrow and
increased megakaryocytes, but also have ring sideroblasts, a feature
associated with MDS [1]. The criteria for diagnosis were platelet count
more than 450x10⁹/L, erythroid dysplasia, >15% ringed
sideroblasts, <5% undifferentiated marrow blasts and
megakaryocytic proliferation with morphology pattern similar to
essential thrombocytosis, with exclusion of chromosomal abnormalities
5q- syndrome or rearrangement of the long arm of chromosome 3 [2].
Whether this is a distinct entity of RARS spectrum or the two separate
disorders in the same patient is not yet clear, so that the designation
of MDS/MPD-U is appropriate until future studies indicate a more exact
classification [1]. We report a case of a middle aged woman with
MDS/MPD overlap syndrome with coexistence of features of both these
entities with positive JAK2V617F mutation.
A 54 year old female with a history of hypertension, hypothyroidism and
hyperuricemia, on and off low grade fever, weakness and loss of
appetite for past one year was admitted in our hospital with complaints
of lower backache with radiating pain down to both lower limbs for one
month. Physical examination revealed tenderness over the lower spinal
vertebrae at L4-L5 level and splenomegaly (3cm below the left costal
margin) and no hepatomegaly. Her complete blood count revealed total
leukocytes count 12.4x10⁹/L, Differential count showed 88% polymorphs,
9% lymphocytes, 2% eosinophils, 1% monocytes. Hemoglobin-10.5 gm/dl,
MCV-77.5fl, MCH-24.2pg, MCHC-31.2g/dl, RDW-33.5% and platelet count
-523x10⁹/L. The Leishman stained peripheral blood smear showed double
population of RBCs, one microcytic, hypochromic and the other
normocytic, normochromic with moderate anisocytosis and basophilic
stippling. Neutrophils showed dysplasia in the form of hypogranularity
and abnormal chromatin. There was thrombocytosis with platelet
anisocytosis. No blasts were seen. (Figure 1) Serum B12, folic acid,
iron, ferritin, ESR, liver and kidney test were in normal range except
serum uric acid which was slightly raised -8.5mg/dl. CRP and other
acute phase reactants were evaluated and results were within normal
range. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy were performed to know the
cause of splenomegaly. Bone marrow smears revealed hypercellularity
with moderate degree of erythroid hyperplasia with normoblastic
maturation except few late normoblasts which showed mild dysplastic
features. Clusters of erythroid precursors comprised approximately
37.5% of total nucleated bone marrow cells. Myeloid to erythroid ratio
was 1.6:1. The myeloid series showed all stages of maturation with left
shift and increase in myeloblasts (05%) and mild dysplastic features in
neutrophils. Lymphocytes were normal. The most prominent feature was
megakaryocytes with marked proliferation and hyperlobulated nuclei
arranged in loose clusters. Occasional clusters of osteoblasts were
seen (Figure 3) Prussian blue iron stain disclosed moderate increase in
iron stores in bone marrow fragments and 46% ringed sideroblasts.
(Figure 4) Bone marrow biopsy specimen revealed hypercellular marrow
spaces, erythroid hyperplasia and increased number of megakaryocytes
with hyperlobulated nuclei arranged in loose clusters. (Figure 5)
Reticulin stain showed increased reticulin fibers.(Figure 6) LAP score
was normal. Based on these finding a probable diagnosis of MDS/MPD
Overlap syndrome was made, which was further confirmed by radiological
findings and special investigations done at higher referral centre. MRI
T2 weighted images taken through the lumbar vertebrae showed the
features of myeloproliferative disorder that is the replacement of
fatty components of vertebral marrow resulted in dark signal intensity
from the vertebral body. Axial images taken through L4-L5 vertebral
disc showed a small annular tear at the periphery of the disc which
could be the probable cause for lower backache.(Figure 2)
Investigations done at higher referral centre showed negative BCR-ABL
p210 t(9;22) (q34;q11) translocation, marker of chronic myeloid
leukemia (CML) but positive JAK2V617F mutation typically present in
polycythemia vera, as well as in 50% cases of essential thrombocytosis
and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). Cytogenetic analysis for the detection
of deletion of the long arm of the 5th chromosome was not done. However
the morphology of megakaryocytes and presence of marrow blasts in our
case were not consistent with 5q- syndrome. So a final diagnosis of
RARS-T was made.
Legends to Figure
Figure 1 – Photomicrograph (Leishman stain,
400X) showing RBC anisocytosis and thrombocytosis
Figure 2 – MRI through the Lumbar region
Figure 3 – Microphotograph (H and E, 400X) of bone marrow
smears showing mild dyserthropoisis.
Figure 4 _ Microphotograph (Prussian blue iron stain, 400X) showing
ring sideroblasts
Figure 5 – Microphotograh (H and E, 100X) showing
hypercellular marrow with increased abnormal megakaryocytes
Figure 6- Microphotograph (Reticulin stain 400X) showing increased
Reticulin fibres
This case showed overlapping features of both myelodysplastic syndrome
and myeloproliferative disorders. MDS is characterized by peripheral
cytopenia and hypercellular bone marrow with ineffective haematopoiesis
whereas MPDs are characterized by proliferation of one or more myeloid
(granulocytic, erythroid or megakaryocytic) lineages [1]. So in this
case we ruled out other conditions which have almost similar findings
including primary myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera, CML, MDS with
isolated deletion 5q, essential thrombocytosis and their combinations.
Thrombocytosis associated with hypercellular bone marrow along with
marked proliferation of megakaryocytes and mildly increased fibrosis is
suggestive of early stage of primary myelofibrosis but presence of
ringed sideroblasts, dysplastic features in granulocytic and erythroid
series and positive JAK2 V617F mutation as shown in present case are
against the diagnosis of PMF [1,5]. Presence of low haemoglobin, low
hematocrit and low red cell mass in present case excludes the
possibility of Polycythemia vera [4]. There was no clinical,
morphological and cytogenetic features (absent LAP score, negative
BCR-ABL) favoring CML.
Another condition associated with clonal thrombocytosis is MDS with 5q
deletion syndrome characterized by presence of increased number of
small or normal sized megakaryocytes with monolobated or hypolobated
nuclei, usually placed eccentrically and percentage of blasts in blood
and bone marrow should be less than 5% [1]. In present case cytogenetic
analysis for 5q deletion was not done. However the morphology of
megakaryocytes was against MDS with 5q deletion [1]. The presence of
marked proliferation of megakaryocytes with hyperlobulated nuclei
arranged in loose clusters was in favor of Essential thrombocytosis but
dysplasia in erythroid and granulocytic series and presence of ringed
sideroblasts indicated presence of some other component of MDS. So a
provisional diagnosis of MDS/MPN–U was kept which was then
further confirmed by additional investigations. In 2005, Shaw GR coined
the term “ringed sideroblasts with thrombocytosis”
(RST) and he included patients with platelet count more than 500x10⁹/L
and normal conventional cytogenetics study, with no evidence of iron
deficiency or splenectomy or other causes of reactive thrombocytosis
and other secondary causes for ringed sideroblasts with more than 3%
blood and marrow blasts [5]. But now it has been reported by many
working groups that there is strong association of RARS-T with high
frequency of JAK2V617F mutation [6]. In contrast to all other MPD/MDS
cases where JAK 2 mutation is positive in a minorities of cases, upto
60% RARS-T cases are JAK2 positive [5]. JAK2 mutation positive patient
have more favorable prognosis than patients without the JAK2 mutation
and JAK2 mutation positive cases had significantly higher red blood
cell count and hemoglobin level, lower mean corpuscular volume and
higher leukocyte count [7]. So in the present case, findings of an
increased percentage of ringed sideroblasts, presence of myeloblasts in
bone marrow, megakaryocytic hyperplasia, mild anemia, thrombocytosis
and positive JAK2 mutation confirm the diagnosis of RARS-T.
RARS-T is an important and rare entity and have overlapping features of
both refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts and essential
thrombocytosis making it difficult to diagnosis it accurately . It is
largely a diagnosis of exclusion and bears a good prognosis. This case
is rare and needs documentation to create awareness about overlap
syndromes and prompt further research.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Omhare A, Singh SK, Srivastava K, Mishra V, Vahikar SU. A case report
on MDS – MPD overlap syndrome – a diagnostic
dilemma. Trop J Path Micro 2017;3(1):67-70.doi: