Lung metastasis in secretory carcinoma breast
–Rare presention
Mirza N. I.1, Fatima S.2,
Haider N.3
1Dr. Nihal Ibrahim Mirza, Department of
Laboratory Medicine, Aseer Central Hospital, Abha KSA, 2Dr. Sohaila
Fatima, Department of Pathology, King Khalid University, Abha KSA, 3Dr.
Nazima Haider, Department of Pathology, King Khalid University, Abha, KSA.
Dr.Sohaila Fatima, King Khalid University, Abha KSA, E-mail:
Secretory carcinoma
is a rare breast cancer with mean age of 25 years. It was initially thought to
be a tumour of children but can also occur in adults and old age. Tumour cells
are cytologically bland and form glands and microcystic spaces containing
abundant secretion. They are triple negative tumours but with good prognosis
and excellent response to surgery. However, the patients should be kept on long
term follow up as late occurrence of metastasis isknown. Here we report a
patient with diagnosis of Secretory carcinoma breast who developed lung
metastasis four years later.
Keywords: Secretory
carcinoma, Breast, Lung metastasis
Author Corrected: 27th December 2018 Accepted for Publication: 31st December 2018
Secretory carcinoma
breast (SCB) is a rare breast cancer with indolent clinical behavior. It is
seen primarily in children but can also occur in adults. The tumor cells have
characteristic abundantintra- and extracellular secretions and granular
eosinophilic cytoplasm [1]. It accounts for <0.1% of all cases of invasive
breast cancer [2]. It has a less aggressive behavior and a much better
prognosis than other variants observed in adults. Axillary metastasis is rare
and distant metastases are even rarer [3]. Here we report a patient with
diagnosis of SCB who developed lung metastasis four years later.
Case Report
A 62 years old
female presented with cough and hemoptysis of 6 weeks duration. She gave history
of breast carcinoma 4 years ago which was surgically resected. Computerised Tomography
(CT) scan of chest revealed an ill defined heterogeneously enhancing soft
tissue mass lesion in right upper lung lobe measuring 10.3x4x6.3cm. It extended
from the chest wall deep to the mediastinum and right hilar region encasing the
right main pulmonary artery and its upper lobar branch alongwith right main
bronchus with small intrabronchial extension. Few mildly enlarged paratracheal
and subcarinal lymph nodes were seen largest measuring 1.3 cm in diameter.
Tracheobronchial biopsy of the mass showed malignant cells exhibiting mild
pleomorphism, having vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli forming small
glandular structures surrounded by fibrous stroma (Figure 1A,B).
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)–Cytokeratin (CK) and S100 positive (Figure 1C,D)
whereas thyroid transcription factor 1(TTF1), CK20, synaptophysin, estrogen
receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were
negative. A diagnosis of metastatic adenocarcinoma (well differentiated) of
breast origin was made. She presented 4 years ago with breast mass whose trucut
biopsy revealed to be invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)-secretory versus apocrine
type. She underwent modified radical mastectomy (MRM) with size of tumor being
3x3x1.5cm and diagnosis of secretory variant of IDC was reached (Figure 2). There
was vascular invasion but all axillary lymphnodes (17) resected were found to
be free of tumor. Histological grading according to Nottingham score (modified
Bloom Richardson grade) was II/III. It was ER, PR, Androgen receptor (AR),
human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER-2/Neu) negative and S100 positive
on IHC. Currently the patient is receiving hormonal therapy and is on followup.
Figure 1A,B: Sections from lung showing malignant cells
forming small glandular structures surrounded by fibrous stroma (H and E, A:10X, B:40X). IHC study C. Showing
cytokeratin positivity in malignant cells (Cytokeratin x20X) D: S100positivity in malignant cells
Figure 2(A,B,C,D): Sections from breast showing the tumor cells
forming glands, and microcystic spaces containing abundant secretions and
hyalinization (H and E, A&B:5X, C:20X, D:40X ).
Secretory carcinoma
is a rare tumor with frequency less than 0.15% of all breast cancers.Mean age
in a study was found to be 25 years with female predominance [4]. However
a recent study conducted on 246 invasive secretory carcinomas showed mean age
of 56.4 years [5]. This
goes against the previous view that it is found predominantly in children. This
entity was initially termed "Juvenile breast cancer" by Mc Divitt and
Stewart, based on the fact that the average age of the seven patients described
in their series was nine years with range of three to fifteen years [6].
Subsequently more cases in children and adults were described. Therefore, it
was recommended that the descriptive term SCB replace the designation
"juvenile carcinoma".
Grossly, it is well circumscribed and usually small. The
margins are of the ‘pushing’ type withprominent hyalinization seen in the
central portion [1].Microscopically the tumor cells, glands, and microcystic spaces contain
abundant secretion, which is usually pale pink or amphophilic with hematoxylin
and eosin (H&E) staining. It is often vacuolated or “bubbly,” reacting
variably for mucin and with the periodic acid–Schiff (
While IDC of the
breast that is triple negative is associated with a poor prognosis, SCB has
been reported to be a low-grade carcinoma with an indolent course and excellent
prognosis. Tumor size (less than 2 cm), age (less than 20 years at the time of
diagnosis), and circumscribed margins of the tumor are favorable prognosis indicators
[4]. SCB in adults is potentially more aggressive than in childhood. Nodal
metastases are more frequentwith the lungs and bones being frequent sites of
breast cancer metastasis.Slow growth and delayed recurrence are characteristic
of many of these tumours. Death from systemic metastases is rare, but may ensue
either rapidly or following a long latent period after treatment. Prolonged
follow-up is needed to assess accurately the biological behaviour of this
tumour [11].The reported incidence rate of axillary lymph node metastasis ofSCB
is 15–30%[12]. Our patient presented with lung metastasisafter being in
remission for 4 years after treatment.
The differential
diagnosis of SCB includes lactation adenoma, cystic hypersecretory carcinoma,
juvenile papillomatosis with apocrine metaplasia, apocrine carcinoma, cystic
hypersecretory hyperplasia, and signet ring cell breast carcinoma[13].
Treatment modalities
are not very well defined because of its rarity. For patients over 20 years old
an initial simple mastectomy with axillary node dissection is considered adequate
[4]. Our patient underwent MRM with axillary dissection. Surgery is
associated with good long-term survival.In a study conducted by Jacob et al SCB’s
were frequently hormone positive in contrast to previous reports where they
were hormone negative. They compared treatment modalities of SBC with IDC and
found breast conserving surgery and hormonal therapy rates were similar in
both.Systemic chemotherapy was used less often for SCBand overall survival of
patients with SCB being better than with IDC [5].
SCB is a rare
indolent malignancy with good prognosis. The patients should be kept on long
term followup as later on chances of metastasis areknown.
How to cite this article?
Mirza N. I, Fatima S, Haider N. Lung metastasis in secretory carcinoma breast– Rare presention. Trop J Path Micro 2018;4(8):556-559.doi:10.17511/ jopm. 2018.i8.02.