Evaluation of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay in diagnosis
of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance
Jagadevi1, Sumanta A.2, Shubha
D.S.3, Sudhindra K.S.4, Sangolli B.5
Jagadevi, Assistant Professor, 2Dr. Sumanta A,
Assistant Professor, 3Dr. Shubha D S., Professor
and Head, 4Dr. Sudhindra K.S., Professor, all
authors are affiliated with Department
of Microbiology, 5Dr. Basavaraj Sangolli, Assistant
Professor, Department of TB & Chest,
all authors are affiliated with Basaveshwara
Medical College & Hospital, Chitradurga, India.
Corresponding author:
Dr. Sumanta A., Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Basaveshwara
Medical College & Hospital. SJM Campus, NH-4 Bypass, Chitradurga, Karnataka.
E-mail: drasumant@gmail.com
The prevalence of tuberculosis is still on the rise particularly extrapulmonary
cases. There is an urgent need for rapid diagnosis of these cases for prompt
initiation of treatment. Aim: To
evaluate the role of GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay in the diagnosis of clinically
suspected extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) and to detect rifampicin
resistance in these cases. Materials and
methods: A total of 241 samples from April 2016 to July 2018, from all
clinically suspected EPTB patients with support of either laboratory or
radiological evidence were included in study. 132 pleural fluid, 59 lymph node
aspirate, 21 CSF, 17 pus, 9 ascitic fluid and 3 synovial fluid samples were
screened for presence of acid fast bacilli (AFB) by conventional Zeihl-Neelsen
(ZN) technique. The same samples were also used for testing by GeneXpert
MTB/RIF Assay. Results: Out of 241 EPTB samples tested, none were positive for
AFB by ZN staining. Overall 9.54 % (23 out of 241) samples were positive
words: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB),
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), GeneXpert MTB/RIF (GeneXpert), Rifampicin
(RIF) resistance,
Approximately one third of the world’s population
has been infected with M.tuberculosis
(MTB) and is at risk of developing the disease later in life. The killer
disease thus claims more than five thousand deaths everyday i.e., one every
fifteen seconds [1]. Despite many advances in its diagnosis and treatment,
problem of tuberculosis is on the rise, both globally and in India.
Tuberculosis is usually a pulmonary disease; extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB)
is much less common, but infection may occur in any organ or tissue including
lymph nodes, meninges, pleura, pericardium, kidneys, bones, joints, larynx,
skin, peritoneum, intestine and eyes. EPTB constitutes 20% of burden of TB
globally. EPTB is a paucibacillary disease as the number of bacteria is less to
detect and are located deep seated in the organs [2].
most effective control measure to check the spread of tuberculosis is to detect
early to treat optimally at the earliest. Although Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain -
smear microscopy is most commonly employed for early detection, it is rather
insensitive and fails to detect large number of cases [3]. Conventional methods
like histology are never diagnostic and culture methods such as culture and
drug susceptibility testing is complex and requires 6-8 weeks. Such a prolonged
turnaround time is unacceptable for both medical and epidemiological purpose [4].Though
better methods of diagnosis of tuberculosis by molecular techniques are available;
they are not being used in many cases owing to high cost per test or
non-availability at majority of the centers. Hence there is a need for newer
and faster diagnostic methods like nucleic acid amplification techniques
(NAAT). Cartridge based nucleic acid amplification techniques (CBNAAT) such as
GeneXpert have been recently recommended by World Health Organization and
introduced in the diagnostic algorithms of tuberculosis.This GeneXpert, also
known as Xpert MTB/ RIF assay or Xpertassay makes use of five different
molecular beacons and each one of them being labelled with a differentially
coloured flourophore and responding to a specific nucleic acid sequence within
the rpoB gene of M. tuberculosis. Testing is carried out on the MTB/RIF test
platform (GeneXpert, Cepheid), which integrates sample processing and PCR in a
disposable plastic cartridge containing all reagents required for bacterial
lysis, nucleic acid extraction, amplification, and amplicon detection. The
only manual step is the addition of a bactericidal buffer to sample to be
tested before transferring a defined volume to the cartridge. The MTB/RIF
cartridge is then inserted into the GeneXpert device, which provides results
within 2 hours [5]. Rifampicin resistance is taken as a surrogate marker for
multidrug resistant (MDR) TB, the result of which is also rapidly provided by
this test within 2 hours. This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of GeneXpertMTB/RIF
in the diagnosis of clinically suspected EPTB since it was introduced as a
diagnostic tool in our district since last two years.
Materials and Methods
A total of 241 samples from April 2016 to July 2018,
from all clinically suspected EPTB patients with support of either laboratory
or radiological evidence were studied.
of study: Basaveshwara Medical College and
Hospital & District General Hospital, Chitradurga district, Karnataka.
of study: Prospective analytical study
method: All continuous samples which satisfy
inclusion criteria were taken for study.
collection: Extra-pulmonary clinical samples
were collected from hospitalized patients by treating physician after taking
informed consent from all the patients. Based on the suspected site of
localization, samples were collected under strict aseptic condition in
appropriate quantity in sterile containers and sent to the central laboratory
without any delay. These were pleural fluids (n=132), Lymph node FNAC (n=59),
CSF (n=21), pus (n=17), ascitic fluid (n=9) and synovial fluid (n=3) specimens.
All the samples were processed for biochemical, cytopathological examination and
bacteriological examination using standard techniques as early as possible. If
any delay is anticipated in processing, they were stored at 4oC. Our
study also included 20 controls i.e.
cases not suspected of having EPTB. Demographic data and the necessary
clinical details of the patients were collected from the patient’s case sheets.
criteria: (more than any two of the below to be
1. Clinical
- fever and other constitutional symptoms for 2 weeks not responding to
2. Biochemical
– for CSF, proteins more than 60mg% ,sugar < 2/3rd of blood sugar
3. Pathological
– for Body fluids, lymphocytosis > 60% or for Lymph node FNAC samples
showinggranulomatous picture.
4. Radiological
– Chest X-ray/CT scan showing tubercular changes
5. Supportive
evidence – family history of tuberculosis / positive tuberculin test
criteria: All cases already on antitubercular
treatment or had been confirmed as having Tuberculosis were excluded from the
and interpretation of samples: The samples
were screened for presence of acid fast bacilli by conventional ZN technique.
The same samples were also used for testing by GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay. According
to standard operating procedure, sampling reagent (containing NAOH and isopropanol)
was mixed with the sample in a ratio of 2:1, in a specimen container. The
container was closed and shaken vigorously on a vortex mixer for 10 minutes.
Then it was left at room temperature for 10 minutes after which it was once
again shaken vigorously for 10 more minutes. The sample in the container was
left to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes. Finally 2ml of the processed
specimen was taken in a sterile plastic disposable pipette and transferred to
GeneXpert cartridge. The cartridge is loaded into the GeneXpert instrument, and
an automatic process completes the remaining assay steps. The electronic
results were sent directly from the GeneXpert test system to the central
database. Lyophilized Bacillus globigii
spores present in the assay cartridge serve as an internal process control.
Assays that found to be negative for M.tuberculosis
and also negative for B.globigii internal
control are reported as invalid tests. The test was repeated with the same
mixture whenever an invalid result was found [6].
results obtained were interpreted as follows [6]:
MTB detected; RIF resistance detected (MTB+, RIF+)
MTB detected; RIF resistance not detected (MTB+, RIF-)
MTB detected; RIF resistance indeterminate (MTB+, RIF In)
MTB not detected (MTB-)
Wherever possible, the patients were followed
up to know their clinical status and the treatment outcome.
Out of 241 EPTB patients, majorities (93.7%) of patients were adults and only 6.22% were children.Maximum cases (107) were in the age group 30-49 years of age (Table 1). About139 (57.67%) were male and 102
(42.32%) were female
(Table 2) with a male to female ratio of 1.36:1.Of 139 males, MTB was detected in12 (52.17%) by GeneXpert and out of 102 females, MTB was detected in
11(47.82%) by GeneXpert.None of the
patients were currently on antitubercular treatment (ATT).
241 samples of EPTB
received in the Microbiology Laboratory for detecting MTB were categorized as
listed in Table 3. Pleural fluid accounted for 54.7% (132) of EPTB samples,
followed by 24.4% (59) accounted for byLymph node FNAC, followed by 8.7%(21)
accounted for CSF and pus accounted for 7.0 % (17). The remaining comprised of
ascitic fluid 3.7 % (9) and synovial fluids 1.2% (3). All samples were smear
microscopy negative for AFB by ZNstaining.MTB was detected in 23(9.54%) EPTB samplesby
GeneXpert MTB/ RIF Assay. Among 132 pleural fluid samples, 8 (6.06%) were
positive for MTB by GeneXpert MTB/ RIF Assay, among 55 lymph node samples 8
(13.55%) were positive, among 21 CSF samples 5 (23.80%) were positive, among 17
pus samples 2 (11.76%) were positive. Of
the 23 MTB positive samples detected by GeneXpert MTB/ RIF Assay, all the samples were sensitive to rifampicin
(Table 4).
Table-1: Showing Age
distribution with positivity rate of GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay
AgeRange |
No. of EPTB cases(%) |
No. of GeneXpert
Positive (%) |
yrs |
13(5.39%) |
(23.07%) |
10-29Yrs |
42(17.42%) |
(14.28%) |
30-49Yrs |
107(44.39%) |
12(11.21%) |
yrs&Above |
79(32.7%) |
2(2.53%) |
Total |
241 |
23(9.54%) |
Table-2: Showing Co-relation
of Sex with positivity rate of GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay
Sex |
of EPTB Cases (%) |
No. of GeneXpert
Positive (%) |
Male |
139(57.67%) |
12 (8.63%) |
Female |
102(42.32%) |
11 (10.78%) |
Total |
241 |
23(9.54%) |
Table-3: Showing
GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay in different types of EPTB specimens
type |
(%) |
of GeneXpert Positives |
ofGeneXpert Negatives |
(%) |
Pleural fluid |
132(54.77%) |
08 |
124 |
6.06% |
Lymph node FNAC |
59(24.81%) |
08 |
51 |
13.55% |
21(8.71%) |
05 |
16 |
23.80% |
Pus |
17(7.05%) |
02 |
15 |
11.76% |
Ascitic fluid |
09(3.71%) |
00 |
09 |
00 |
Synovial fuid |
03(1.24%) |
00 |
03 |
00 |
Total |
241 |
23 |
218 |
9.54% |
Rifampicin sensitivity results among MTB positive cases on GeneXpert MTB/RIF
of MTB positiveEPTB cases |
SensitiveNo (%) |
Resistant No (%) |
23 |
23 (100%) |
00 (0%) |
Table-5: Showing
GeneXpert results among EPTB cases and controls
of cases |
of GeneXpert Positive |
of GeneXpert Negative |
Controls - 20 |
00 |
20 |
EPTB cases - 241 |
23 |
218 |
Total - 261 |
23 |
238 |
microscopy used to be most commonly used method for diagnosis of tuberculosis
till very recently in most of the centers. With the continuation of using only
microscopy as method for diagnosis of EPTB, there is every chance that many
cases would be missed because EPTB cases are paucibacillary and these missed
cases not put on anti-TB treatment would continue to spread the disease among
the community. GeneXpert was installed at district hospital in our city with
collaboration with RNTCP in March 2016. Since then all the clinically suspected
tuberculosis cases are tested by this method.
In our study we found majority of EPTB cases 44.39%
(107/241) were of age group 30 to 49 years followed
by32.78% (79/241), 17.42% (42/241) were of 50 years & above age and 10-29
years respectively and least number of EPTB cases 5.39% (13/241) were found in
0-9years of age group but maximum
GeneXpertpositivity rate i.e. 23.07% (3/13) for MTB detection found in 0-9 years of age followed by 14.28%
(6/42 ), 11.21% (12/107)in 10-29 years and 30-49years respectively and least GeneXpert positivity rate i.e. 2.53% (2/79)
in 50years and above age group. The reasons that make this age group (30 to 49
years) vulnerable to TB are many. They are socially more active and are more
exposed to open cases of TB than others.
K. Arora et al [7] conducted a study on trends of EPTB and found higher
detection of EPTB cases in younger age group.
In our study, out of 241 EPTB cases there were 139 (57.67%) males and 102 (42.32%) females. Male to Female ratio
was 1.36:1. Likely reasons of male preponderance are as follows: a) In a male
dominated society, usually he is the earning member. As he goes out for work,
he is more likely to come in contact with an active TB case. b) Men are more
likely to acquire habits like smoking and alcoholism which predispose to TB.Out of 139 males, MTB was detected in12
(52.17%) and out of 102 females, MTB was detected in 11(47.82%). These
findings correlate with Gaur et al [8], in which they found 174 (65.16%) males
and 93(34.83%) females. Of 174 males, MTB was detected in 26 (14.9%) and out of
93 femalesMTB was detected in 21(22.5%).
In our study pleural fluid
samples 132 (54.77%) were most common followed by lymph node aspirate 59 (24.81%),
CSF21 (8.71%), pus 17 (7.05%), ascetic fluid 9(3.71%) and synovial fluid
3(1.24%) samples. This finding is similar to study conducted by Chanderet al
[9], where pleural fluid samples found to be the most common i.e. 53 cases (61.6%),
followed by lymph node aspirates i.e. 20 cases (23.2%) and ascitic fluid
samples i.e. 8 cases (9.3%). In another study done by Prakashet al
[10] also the total number of different
types of EPTB cases included pleural 148(28.03%), lymph node131(24.81%),
abdomen 51(9.66%), CNS66 (12.50%), bones and joints 65 (12.31%) and others 67 (12.69%).
Overall 9.54% of EPTB
samples were positive by GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay in our study and is comparable
to the results of Praveen et al [11], who reported 9.4% positivity. Causse et al
[12] reported 11.8% positive GeneXpert
In a study conducted by
Praveen et al [11], they found 10.1% plueral fluid sample positive for MTB by Gene Xpert and
Hillemann et al[13] found 3
positive GeneXpert results out of 113 pleural fluid samples (2.9%) all of which
were negative on mycobacterial culture, the positivity rate for pleural fluids
in our study was 6.06% (8/132)
was in accordance with above studies.Rufai et al [14] showed that the Xpert has very low
diagnostic sensitivity of 14.2% in pleural fluid, even in culture proven cases.
Porcel et al [15] concluded that the Xpert MTB/RIF assay has a limited
diagnostic capacity for pleural fluid samples of TB origin. This study found
the sensitivity of Xpertin pleural fluid specimens to be very low, with more
than half of all pleural TB patients being missed by this test. Guidelines on
EPTB for India recommend that Xpert MTB/RIF should not be used to diagnose
pleural TB exclusively [16].
Our study found detection
by Gene Xpert in CSF samples to be 23.80%, which is
higher than that in any other specimen
type (lymph node, pleural fluid, pus, ascetic fluid and synovial fluid). In a
study from India [17], the
positivity rate with GeneXpert assay was 24.6% for CSF. Various Studies that
assessed GeneXpert in CSF samples found a variable sensitivity of 20-86%
[18, 19, 20, and 21]. Guidelines on
EPTB for India recommend that GeneXpert may be used as an adjunctive test for
TB meningitis (TBM). A negative GeneXpert result on a CSF specimen does not
rule out TBM. The decision to give ATT should be based on clinical features and
CSF profile [16]. Data from prior studies suggested a potential role for
nucleic acid amplification tests in the diagnosis of TB from CSF and the
results for GeneXpert here are in accordance with the findings. It’s been
observed that GeneXpert assay does not reach the sensitivity of culture,
however it can significantly improve/ fasten the diagnosis of TBM especially in
places where expertise for culture or other diagnostic tests are not available
or where a rapid diagnosis of TB is necessary [11].
Our study found 13.55% GeneXpert
detection rate in lymph node samples. Kumar et al
[22] found higher positivity rate 66.7%
by GeneXpert in lymph node samples. We found that GeneXpert can be useful in
confirming a diagnosis in patients suspected of Lymph node TB when considered
alongside the results of FNAC, but a negative Xpert test does not rule out lymph
node TB. Guidelines on EPTB for India also recommend that Xpert MTB/RIF should
be used as an additional test to conventional smear microscopy, culture, and
cytology in FNAC specimens [16].
GeneXpert did not detect
MTB in any of the nine ascetic fluid & three synovial fluid samples in this
study, suggesting that a negative Xpert result does not rule out Tuberculosis
in above samples & they must be
investigated further using other phenotypic methods. This finding was in
accordance with Kumar et al [22]. Previous studies have also reported low
sensitivity (6.3%, 9.3%17.9%, 27.8%) of GeneXpert on ascitic fluid samples [15, 11, 17, 13]. 7.05% of pus samples were positive by Xpert MTB/RIF
Assay in our study. The data on the utility of Xpert MTB/RIF for pus, synovial
fluid are limited.
of 241 EPTB cases, none were found out be positive forAFB on the conventional
ZN method in our study. There are various reports regarding the sensitivity of
ZN smear for extra-pulmonary specimen ranging from as low as 0% to as high as
75%. This limitation has been reported to be due to inadequacy and
paucibacillary nature of extrapulmonaryspecimens [23]. Meenal Bagdia et al
reported positivity rate of 9.28% on ZN method [24]. Out of 241 EPTB cases 23 (9.54%)
were found positive by GeneXpert in our study.So, GeneXpert was able to pick 23
EPTB cases which otherwise would have been missed by ZN smear examination
alone.We also compared diagnostic
modalities of pulmonary tuberculosis with EPTB. Out of a total of 1497
suspected Pulmonary TB cases (PTB), 199 (13.3%) were found out be positive for
MTB by sputum smear examination (ZN stain) whereas 266 (17.8%) PTB cases were
found positive by GeneXpert.So, GeneXpert was able to pick 67 PTB cases which
otherwise would have been missed by sputum smear examination alone. The above
result clearly shows that Gene Xpert is the only rapid diagnostic method
currently available for detecting MTB in EPTB and PTB specimens.
Not only MTB detection but
also rapidly determining the patient’s multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
(MDR-TB) status in such cases is of prime importance in bringing to an end the
spread of MDR-TB and decreasing mortality.
was no rifampicin resistance in the population studied, all the 23 MTB positive
samples detected by Gene Xpert-MTB/RIF assay in our study were sensitive to
Rifampicin.This finding was in accordance with Rufai et al [14], who have also
reported similar sensitivity of rifampicin, whereas Pravin et al [11] detected
Rifampicin resistance in 4 out of 16 MTB detected in the pleural fluid and one
rifampicin resistance out of 5 MTB detected in the ascitic fluid samples.
Our study included 20 controls
i.e. cases not suspected of having EPTB; MTB was not detected in any of the
controls by GeneXpert assay. Hence no false positive results were detected in
our study which indicates higher specificity of Gene Xpert in our study
biggest advantage of GeneXpert is that of sample processing. The process is
simplified into a very simple and single step. Data from a recent study confirm
that the MTB/RIF assay generates no infectious aerosols [25]. The simplicity
and safety feature of this set up encourages us to use this as a rapid and
highly sensitive method for detection of MTB cases as well as drug resistance
in these cases without the need for sending the sample for higher centres and
delaying the diagnosis. However the drawback of this set up is that it can
process only four samples every two hours and also the cost can be too high for
routine laboratories to afford.
Although GeneXpert assay
is considered a breakthrough in the diagnosis of PTB and EPTB, one of the major
limitations of this technique is that it cannot distinguish between viable and
non-viable microorganisms while detecting MTB DNA. Hence it should not be used
to monitor patients or efficacy of the treatment. Our study has following
limitations (a) not having comparative data with Culture. (b) It was an
experimental study and the samples included were also small to make a
generalized statement.
In our study Gene Xpert
was found to be more sensitive than routine smear methods. It detected many
extrapulmonary samples to be positive for tuberculosis, all of which were
missed by ZN staining. Also within a short duration it detected Rifampicin
sensitivity.Due to the economical constraints in resource limited settings and
those laboratories receiving large numbers of samples, judicious use of
GeneXpert is recommended and can be
used in Indian health-care setting only as an additional tool for the diagnosis
of EPTB.
What this study
adds to existing knowledge: The Gene Xpert MTB/RIF performance varies with the EPTB sample type.
Although it has limited sensitivity, it was
found to be simple, rapid and more effective method for detection of EPTB cases
and also the drug resistance could be detected simultaneously, thus reducing
the time taken for initiation of treatment. Xpert assay is relatively more expensive than traditional culture methods; however it
makes an important contribution to the modern day detection of TB as it has
higher sensitivity than smear and provides a more rapid diagnosis than culture
and histology.
from the Author
Jagadevi: Data
Collection, Analysis and preparation of Manuscript
Sumanta A:Data Collection, Analysis and Preparation of the
Shubha D S:Data collection, Analysis and
Preparation of the Manuscript.
Sudhindra K S: Analysis and Preparation of the
Basavaraj Sangolli: Analysis and Preparation of the
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How to cite this article?
Jagadevi, Sumanta A, Shubha D.S, Sudhindra K.S, Sangolli B. Evaluation of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay in diagnosis of extra pulmona