Study of image guided fine needle aspiration
cytology in cases of hepatic mass lesions
N.1, Madhaw N.2, Sawke G. K.3
Nilima Sawke, Professor and Head,
2Dr. Nipun Madhaw, Post
graduate student, 3Dr.
G. K. Sawke, Professor Pathology, all authors are affiliated with
Department of Pathology, Chirayu Medical
College & Hospital, Bhopal, MP, India.
Author: Dr. Nilima Sawke, 104/C Block, Chirayu
Medical College Campus, Near Bairagarh, Bhopal, India.
Ultrasound guided Fine needle aspiration
cytology (FNAC) has been provedto be a very effective and rapid means of
obtaining tissue from liver for pathological evaluation of benign, malignant
and inflammatory hepatic lesions. Aims and objectives: The role of Fine
needle aspiration cytology as a first line of investigation in space occupying lesions
of liver and to study the various cytological patterns in hepatic lesions,
categorizing them into non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Materials
and Methods: This was a prospective study comprising of 76 cases of liver
lesions diagnosed clinically or radiologically. Abdominalultrasonography was
carried out in all cases. FNAC was performed under ultrasound guidance. Smears
were stained with H & E (Hematoxylene & Eosin) and Wrights stain and
were examined for detailed cytomorphological analysis. Results: Among 76
cases included in the study, cases of primary malignancy of liver
(Hepatocellular carcinoma) were 45(59%), and metastatic carcinomas were 21(28%). Benign neoplastic lesions were total 4(5%) including
hepatic adenoma 3cases and 1case of hemangioma. About 6 (8%) cases were found
to be inflammatory lesions of liver.
Hepatocellular carcinoma was most common diagnosis followed by liver
metastasis of adenocarcinoma. Frequency of hepatic mass lesions was almost
equal in both male (39 cases) and female (37 cases) being ratio of 1:1. Conclusion:
Guided FNA is a first line of investigation in space occupying lesions of liver
as the procedure is safe, simple, rapid, effective and can be employed for
pathological evaluation of both malignant and non-malignant hepatic lesions.
Malignant tumors were the commonest of the liver lesions with highincidences of
primary and metastatic deposits. On radiological examination, neoplastic and
nonneoplastic lesions show overlapping features, hence cytomorphological
analysis by FNAC increases the diagnostic accuracy.
words: Guided FNAC, Liver, Hepatocellular
Author Corrected: 28th July 2018 Accepted for Publication: 1st August 2018
is involved in many non-neoplastic andneoplasticdiseases. As sonography alone
hasits limitations, cytomorphologic analysis by FNA is required to increase the
diagnostic accuracy. Ultrasound guided FNA (Fine needle aspiration) of liver is
safe, cheap andrelativelynoninvasive procedure with minimum complications [1].
diagnosis and management of various hepatic mass lesions is a common clinical
problem and their appropriate clinical management depends on accurate
diagnosis. Liver disease is the third most common cause of death among
individuals between age 25 and 59 years [2].
is a rapid, less invasive method that can beemployed for pathological evaluation
of both benign and malignant hepatic lesions. Inflammatory lesionsand diffuse
liver diseases may mimic mass like lesions in radiographs. Such lesions can
also be sampled by FNA to rule out neoplasms and differentiate it from other
diagnosis [3]. The aim of the present study was to categorize the lesions of
liver in to inflammatory, non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions by ultrasound
guided fine needle aspiration cytology.
Material and Methods
is a prospective study comprising of 76 casesof liver lesions diagnosed
clinically or radiologically and referred to Department of Pathology, Chirayu
Medical College and hospital, Bhopal, during a period between 2016 to 2017 for
cytological assessment. Investigations done before procedure were platelet count
BT (Bleeding Time), CT (Clotting time) and plasma prothrombin time to know
patient’s with bleeding tendencies. Under ultrasonography guidance fine needle
aspiration was performed on patients diagnosed for nodular or diffuse lesions
of liver. Materials used for the procedure were cotton and rectified spirit,
disposable needles (22-Gauge), disposable Syringes, slides, diamond pencil, coplin
jars with fixatives. Under aseptic precaution, during suspendedrespiration, the
needle was introducedpercutaneously into the lesion under ultrasoundguidance.
One to three passes were made. When adequate material appeared in the needle
hub, the needle was withdrawn after releasing the suction pressure. Smears were
made from aspirated material.Few slides were fixed immediately in 95% alcohol
and stained with H&E (Hemotoxylin and eosin) and Papanicoloau. Air dried
smears were prepared for Wrights Geimsa stain. Stained smears were examinedunder
binocular light microscope for cytological features.
total of 76 cases were studied during this duration of 1 year. Patients age
group ranged from 20 to 84 years with maximum cases lying between 40 to 80
years. Out of total 76 cases 39 male and
37 were female with male to female ratio being nearly equal.
chief complaints were pain in right upper quadrant of abdomen, weight loss,
anorexia, abdominal mass and hepatosplenomegaly. Some of the patients presented
with fever, pruritus, jaundice, abdominal distention and ascites.
Age wise distribution of liver lesions
Age (Years) |
Malignancy of Liver (HCC) |
lesions of liver |
Benign lesions
of Liver |
lesions of liver |
0-20 |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
21-40 |
7 |
2 |
- |
2 |
41-60 |
20 |
11 |
2 |
- |
61-80 |
18 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
Total |
45 |
21 |
4 |
6 |
Sex wise distribution of liver lesions
Type of lesion |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Primary malignancy |
30 |
15 |
45 |
Metastatic lesions |
6 |
15 |
21 |
Benign lesions |
1 |
3 |
4 |
Inflammatory lesions |
2 |
4 |
6 |
Total |
39 |
37 |
76 |
Spectrum of lesions of liver aspirate (Total-76 cases)
S No |
Type of lesion |
Number of cases |
Percentage % |
1 |
Hepatocellular Ca |
45 |
59 |
2 |
Metastasis of
Adenocarcinoma |
21 |
28 |
3 |
Hepatic adenoma |
3 |
4 |
4 |
Hemangioma |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Inflammatory |
6 |
8 |
of total 76 cases, 45(59.2%) cases were of primary malignancy of liver and
21(27.6 %) cases were of hepatic metastasis from the primary malignancyof other
organs. Other 4 (5.2%) cases were benign and 6 (7.89%) cases were found to be
inflammatory lesions of liver.
primary malignant tumors were hepatocellular carcinomawhereas all metastatic
masses were of adenocarcinoma
ultrasound examination, solitary space occupying lesions were seen in 49(64.5%)
cases and remaining 27(35.5%) cases were multiple or multifocal.
of 4 benign neoplastic lesions 3 cases were of hepatic adenoma and one case was
of haemangioma. In 6 infectious lesions 4cases of pyogenic abscess and 2 cases of
tubercular abscess were seen.
FNAC is useful in accurately distinguish non-neopastic from neoplastc hepatic
lesions and categorize neoplasticlesions in to primary or metastatic as
concluded by Swamyet al [4].
diseases are common entity. It affects all age groups with peak age in 5th and
6th decades of life [5]. In the present study patient’s ageranged
from 20-84 years with mean age of 54 years similar to Franca et al [6].
MP et al[7] and Shamshad et al[8] found that the incidence of malignancy
increased after the age of 40 years in males and after the age of 30 years in
females with a peak incidence between the ages of 40-60 years. The most common
organ which was involved in their study was the liver;
a study by Whitlach et al [9] and Wilson et al [10] Maximum number of guided
aspiration were from liver showed 74 adequate smears for interpretation, out of
which 27 were hepatocellular carcinoma, 29 were secondary metastasis, 1 was hepatoblastoma,
1 was hydatid cyst and 2 were liver abscesses. Remaining 14 were
undifferentiated malignancy. Metastatic adenocarcinoma was commonest malignancy
in secondary metastasis.
this study FNAC results revealed
predominantly malignant lesions (87%) of which 59.2% cases were of primary
malignancy of liver and 27.6% cases were of hepatic metastasis from the primary
malignancy of other organs. This is in accordance with the previous reports of
similar ratio in neoplastic/non-neoplastic pathologies presenting as focal mass
lesions in the liver by Hassan et al[11]. Similarly, malignant lesions
outnumbering benign ones were also reported by Sheikh et al [12], Sidhaling
Reddy et al [13], Sumana BS et al [14].
Liver was the common sites for FNAC in this
study similar to those ofTuladhar AS et al [15],Adhikari RC et al [16], and J
Nobrega et al [17], In the liver, the most common malignant lesion was
metastatic carcinoma.
chief complaints of the patients were vague abdominal pain, majority of them
presented with right upper quadrant pain, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, mass
per abdomenandhepatomegaly. The appropriate management of various hepatic
lesions depends on accurate diagnosis [18].
prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in Indian population, may be the reason for
higher figure for malignantlesions.Other entities associated with the
development of hepatocellular carcinoma include chemical carcinogens,
mycotoxins, thorotrast, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, hemochromatosis, and
long term anabolic steroid abuse. Lower rate of benign lesions in this series
could be due to specific inclusion criteria.
the malignant lesions FNAC is also helpful to distinguish between primary liver
malignancy and metastatic lesions asthe treatment modalities differ completely.
The fear of major complications in FNAC of liver lesions were suspected
vascular lesions and marked hemorrhage. During this study no complications were
Lundqvist and other authors have
reported complications like fatal bleeding in a case of chronic liver disease,
needle tract tumor seedling, biliary-venous fistula and intrahepatic hematoma,
in Fine needle aspiration biopsies of the liver [19, 20].
carcinoma was only primary liver malignancy in our study. Cytosmears showed
malignant cell as polygonal with irregular nuclear contours and single or
multiple macronucleoli, abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. Intranuclear
cytoplasmic inclusions and bile plugging were seen.
et al. concluded that the most important helpful cytological features
were trabacular pattern, irregular granular chromatin, multiple nucleoli and
atypical stripped nuclei which was similar to our study [21]. The atypical naked
nuclei were included as one of the important crietaria for the diagnosis of HCC
by Pedioet al. as these were rarely seen in benign and metastatic
conditions [22].
present study most frequent secondary hepatic tumor were metastatic
adenocarcinomas also observed by Swami MC et al[4]. Metastatic lesions of
adenocarcinoma showed glandular or acinar pattern, intra and extra cytoplasmic
mucin. These tumours mainly came from the GIT, breast, ovary and prostate.
FNA is a first line of investigation in space occupying lesions of liver as the
procedure is safe, simple, rapid, effective and can be employed for
pathological evaluation of both malignant and non malignant hepatic lesions.
tumors were the commonest of the liver lesions with high incidences of primary
and metastatic deposits. On radiological examination, neoplastic and
nonneoplastic lesions show overlapping features, hence image guided
cytomorphological analysis by FNAC increases the diagnostic accuracy.
Contribution by authors
· Dr
Nilima and Dr Nipun conceived the idea and design of the study.
· Dr
Nipun made the questionnaire and collected the data. Data interpretation and
analysis was performed by Dr G K Sawke. Dr Nilima prepared the initial draft
and manuscript. Consensus of all authors
was reached in finalization of draft forpublication.
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How to cite this article?
Sawke N, Madhaw N, Sawke G. K. Study of image guided fine needle aspiration cytology in cases of hepatic mass lesions. Trop J Path Micro 2018; 4(6):434-438.doi:10. 17511/ jopm. 2018.i6.03.