A Retrospective study of 130 cases in all age group presented with palpable head and neck swelling

Patel F.1, Gonsai R.N.2, Patel M.L.3, Qureshi N.4, Vora M.5

1Dr. FalguniPatel,2Dr. R. N. Gonsai,3Dr. M. L. Patel,4Dr. Nasrin Qureshi,5Dr. Maulik Vora, all authors are attached with Department of Pathology, Dr. M K Shah Medical College & Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

Corresponding Author: Dr. Maulik Vora, E-mail: dr.falgunipatelfp@gmail.com


Introduction:FNAC is a simple, quick, inexpensive and minimally invasive technique for early diagnosis of palpable lesions in Head and neck. It is usually performed in outpatient department with nearly no complications. Objectives:To evaluate the role of FNAC and its utility in the diagnosis of palpable head and neck masses. To study the spectrum of head and neck lesions and its correlation with age, sex, and frequency of occurrence and its categorization into various groups. Methods:A study was conducted over a period of one year and two months by pathology department, SMS hospitals and Dr. M.K.Shah Medical College, Ahmedabad. Total 130 cases of Head and neck lesions were included during the study period. All patients coming from OPD’S of different departmentspresented with head and neck swellingwere included in the study.Result:Out of 130 cases, 59(45%) were male, 71(55%) were female. Head and neck swelling was most common in the age group of 21-30 years (25.3%).Highest number of FNAC was done from lymph node followed by Thyroid gland and Salivary gland respectively. Lymph node swelling were the most common 81(62%), followed by thyroid 28(22%), skin/subcutaneous 12(9%), salivary gland 09(07%). Conclusion:The accuracy of cytology diagnosis is very high if the requisition forms are accompanied with all relevant clinical history along with proper laboratory information. FNAC could differentiate the infective process from neoplastic one and avoids unnecessary surgeries. Thus, FNAC can be recommended as a first line of investigation in the diagnosis of head and neck swellings.

Key words:Head and Neck, FNAC, Benign and Malignant lesions, TuberculousLymphadenitis.

Manuscript received: 26th July 2018 Reviewed: 4th August 2018 

Author Corrected: 10th August 2018 Accepted for Publication: 14th August 2018


The art and science of cytology and cytopathology has been implemented and recognized as early as the 18th and 19th[1-5]. The first American Board of Examination in cytopathology was undertaken in 1989.Europeans,especially north Scandinavian countries,were able to utilize this technique even before the World War II[1,4].The science of cytopathology is currently well standardized with two major branches, exfoliative and aspiration biopsy.

FNAC is a very simple diagnostic tool for the superficial swelling in the head and neck region [6].FNAC is also very convenient now a days for clinicians because it is OPD base procedure and it avoids the complications related to anesthesia and open biopsy. It differentiates the lesions whether it is neoplastic or non-neoplastic that greatly influences the planned treatment[7].

Among the most frequently sampled palpable head and neck lesions are lymph nodes, thyroid and salivary glands along with other rarely encountered lesions like subcutaneous tissue swellings, lumps of skin appendages and oral cavity lesions.8Head and neck neoplasia is one of the cause of cancer in India accounts 23% of all male cancers and 6% of all female cancers[9]. FNAC is very useful in cervical swellings because cervicalbiopsy is avoided unless all other methods fail to establish the diagnosis[10].

The prime objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in the Head and Neck lesions, to assist the surgeon in selection of the patient for surgery and palliative therapy.


Place of study and type of study:This retrospective study was conducted at SMS multispecialty hospital and Dr. M.K.Shah Medical College and research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad from November 2016 to December 2017.

Inclusion criteria:All patients with neck swelling who were presented in different OPDs were included in the study.

Exclusion criteria:Patients who presented with swellings other than neck were excluded from the study.

Sample collection and sampling methods:Those patients who were presented with swelling in neck region from Medicine, ENT, Surgery, Pediatrics, Orthopedics and Skin Department and requested for FNAC were included in the study. Through examinations of patients were done and detailed history of the aboutswelling as well as related history such as family history of T.B, colloid goiter, cancer and other diseases were taken. A detailed examination of the swelling was done and its size,shape,consistency,movement, tenderness, skin overlying it was noted. Examinations of local lymph nodes were done. Patients were explained about procedure; risk and a written consent was taken. FNAC was done by 22-23 gauged 3-5 cm long needle with 10 ml syringe by a trained Pathologist with all aseptic precautions.Minimum three to four slides were made from aspirated material from the swelling, wet fixed in 95% alcohol and were stained by H & E stain.If fluid is drained from theswelling it is collected in EDTA vacuatte and slides are prepared from sediment obtained from it. Reporting was done by expert Pathologist and Cytomorphological findings from all patients were recorded and advised biopsy depending upon the pathology.

Statistical analysis: The obtained parameters were evaluated using descriptivestatisticalanalysis.Statistical analyses were performed usingMicrosoft Office Excel 2010 software.


Total 130 patients from SMS Multispecialtyhospital underwent head and neck FNAC during the study period from Nov-2016 to Dec-2017. There were 59(45%) Male and 71(55%) Females. The male to female ratio is 9:11.

Table-1:Age wise distribution of all patients

Age (in years)

No of patients





























The most common age group involved in the study is 21-30 years.The youngest and the oldest age in the study is 2and 81 yearsrespectively [Table 1].

Table-2: Site wise distribution of lesions

Site of FNAC

No of patients (%)

Lymph node




Salivary gland


Skin/soft tissue




As seen in table2the most common site is Lymph node 81 (62%)and the least common is salivary gland 09 (07%).

The most common lesion in the lymph node,thyroid,skin and subcutaneous tissue is reactive lymphadenitis 44 (54%), ColloidGoitre16 (57%),Lipoma and least common is Acute suppurative inflammation 02 (2.5%), Lymphocytic Thyroiditis 03(11%),sebaceous and keratinous cyst respectively.

In salivary gland there is equal number of cases of pleomorphic adenoma and Benign Salivary gland lesion.

Table-3:Frequency distribution according to nature of the swelling

Nature of the swelling

No of patients (%)







Majority of the cases in the study are Benign, only 4.6% cases are malignant, all of which are metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in lymph node. No malignant lesion is found in thyroid,salivary, skin and subcutaneous tissue.


In 1930, Martin and Ellis described and first introduced the technique of FNAC for diagnosis of organ lesion [11].

The two fundamental requirements on which success of FNA depends are nonrepresentative sample and high quality of preparation. These two prerequisites will always remain a sine qua non,no matter how sophisticated are the supplementary techniques [6].

Table-4: Comparison of sex wise distribution of cases in various studies

Name of study

No. Of cases




Pathak R et al [12]




Himanshu Shekhar et al [13]




Garima Gupta R et al [14]




Shaan Khetrapalet al [15]




Nanik J et al [16]




Present study




In our study the common age group was 21-30 (<50) years which comprised of 31 patients which is similar to the Pathak R et alstudy in which the predominant age group was <50 years and number of patients was 127 out of 209 patients [12] and the Himanshu Shekhar et al [1study in which the preponderance were seen in the 31 to 45 (<50) years with 62 patients out of 200 patients [13].

The peak incidence in Himanshu Shekhar et al [13]was between 21 to 30(<50)years with 90 patients out of 290 patients, which is similar to the present study.

Table-5: Comparison of Distribution of Head and Neck lesions according to the Predominant site in different studies

Name of study

Predominant site

Number of cases

Total No. Of cases

Pathak R et al [12]

Lymph node



Himanshu Shekhar et al [13]

Lymph node



Garima Gupta R et al [14]

Lymph node



Fernandeset al [17]




Present study

Lymph node



Table-6: Comparison of frequency of Lesion (most common diagnosis) according to the site in different studies


Name of study

Site(most common diagnosis)



Salivary gland

Pathak R et al [12]

Reactive Lymph node

Colloid goitre


Himanshu Shekhar et al[13]

Reactive Lymph node

Colloid goitre

Pleomorphic adenoma

Garima Gupta R et al [14]

Tuberculous lymphadenitis


Pleomorphic adenoma

Shaan Khetrapalet al [15]

Granulomatous lymphadenitis

Colloid goitre

Chronic sialadenitis

Shreedevi et al [18]

Reactive Lymph node

Nodular goitre

Pleomorphic adenoma

Deval N. Patelet al [19]

Nonspecific inflammatory lesion

Benign neoplastic lesion

Pleomorphic adenoma

Sudershan Kapoor et al [20]

Tuberculous lymphadenitis


Pleomorphic adenoma

Present study

Reactive lymphadenitis


Pleomorphic adenoma

In present study the most common lesion in skin and subcutaneous tissue is lipoma which is similar to the findings in other studies[13,15,18]. In Pathak R et al, And Sudershan Kapoor et al studies the common diagnosis was epidermal cyst, while in Deval N.Patelet alstudy the benign cystic lesion was the commonest finding[12,20,19].

Inflammatory and non-neoplastic lesions was the predominant cause of head and neck masses in our study which is in concordance with most of the national studies, while various international studies show neoplastic lesion as the commonest finding.


It was concluded from the present study, that reactive lymphadenitis is the commonest problem in patients presenting with neck swellings in our set up. As benign lesions (124) cases overrated the malignant one (6) cases and FNAC could differentiate the inflammatory process from neoplastic one. Nowadays with increasing cost of medical facilities any technique which heralds the process of diagnosis, limits the physical and psychological trauma to the patients and is cost effective will be of tremendous value. Histopathology confirmation of FNAC should be done to arrive at the accurate conclusion; hence this technique should be complement to each other along with newer diagnostic techniques.

So we conclude that FNAC is an excellent preliminary test and a useful adjunct to histopathology.

What this study adds to existing knowledge:This study provides with knowledge of evaluation of swelling whether benign, inflammatory or malignant without surgery or in setups where proper surgical facilities are unavailable, so that proper management of patients can be done on time.

Author contributions: All authors had equally contributed in each and every part of research like proposal making, data collection, statistical analysis and manuscript making.


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