A study of correlation between Platelet Volume
Indices (PVI) in patients of Dyslipidemia in tertiary care hospital
A.M.1, Kokani M.J.B.2
1Dr. Alpesh M. Maru, Department of Pathology, 2Dr.
Mayur JitubhaiKokani, Department of Pathology, both authors are affiliated with
GMERS Medical College, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
Corresponding author: Dr. Mayur Kokani, E-mail- mkokon11@gmail.com
dyslipidemia is a risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Ischemic heart
disease istheleadingcauseofdeath worldwide. Platelet volume reflects platelet
reactivity and has been suggested as an independent risk factor for ischemic
events in cardiovascular disease. We have shown preliminary results on
production of larger platelets by Mean Platelets Volume (MPV) and Platelets
Distribution Width (PDW) determination in a group of patients with lipid
profile abnormalities.Materials &Method:The study was performed in patients coming to GMERS Medical College,
Junagadh from June 2016 to December 2017. Bloodsamplewascollectedinplaintubefor
lipidprofileanalysis,EDTA vaccutainer for haematological analysis. PVI were
obtained by usingHorriba 5 part automatedcellcounter & Lipid profile
parameters by fully automated analyzer Roche’s COBAS INTEGRA 400plus. Results:our study comprising of 500
patient’s samples and 50 control samples, In patient’s group high levels of
total cholesterol correlates more with high value of PDW than with MPV.Conclusion:PVI like MPV and PDW are
strongly associated with dyslipidemia. The estimation of these PVI can be considered
as an early, economicalandrapidprocedurefor
identificationofcomplicationsinhyperlipidemic patients.
Keywords:PDW-Platelet distribution width, MPV-Mean platelet
volume, PVI-platelet volume indices.
Author Corrected: 14th August 2018 Accepted for Publication: 19th August 2018
The dyslipidemia is a risk factors for cardiovascular
disease (CVD) and diabetes. These factors include elevated triglyceride levels,
low high-density lipoprotein levels, elevated cholesterol and obesity [1].
Diabetesmellitusandcardiovasculardisease are world’s biggest killer diseases,
estimated to cause3.5millionsdeatheachyear.Eighty percent of them are found in
the low and middle income countries. The WHO has developed an
actionplanforimplementationofglobal strategiesinpreventionandcontrolofnon
communicablediseases. Ischemicheartdiseaseistheleadingcauseofdeath
worldwide.Platelets havedefiniteroleincausingitspathogenesisandits
complications. A variety of data indicate patients with dyslipidemia have a
high risk of developing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [2,3]. Platelets
play an important role in the pathogenesis of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
Activated platelets interact with endothelium and other inflammatory cells by
the action of different molecules present on the platelet surface and/or stored
in platelets granules, as P-selectin [4]. Platelet volume reflects platelet
reactivity [5] and has been suggested as an independent risk factor
for ischemic events in cardiovascular disease[6]. Large platelets are
metabolically and enzymatically more active than small platelets and produce
more thromboxane A2 [7,8].Individuals with dyslipidemia have more tendencies to
form atherosclerosis plaques with a consequent increasing consumption of
platelets. We have shown preliminary results on production of larger platelets
by MPV and PDW determination in a group of patients with lipid profile
The objective of the study was to study platelet
parameters in the spectrum of dyslipidemia.
Materials and methods
A Prospective study was
performed in patients coming to GMERS Medical College, Junagadh from June 2016
to December 2017. Random Bloodsampleswerecollectedinplaintubefor
lipidprofileanalysis,EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid)vaccutainer for
haematological analysis under standard aseptic procedure.
routine patients of all age group
Exclusion Criteria’s
1.Child below 5 years.
2. Patients with
3. Patients on
4.Patients received recent
blood transfusion.
Sample was taken after
10-12 hours fasting so triglyceridelevel
doesn’tgetaffected.Allpatients’andcontrols’ sampleswereprocessedwithin2hoursof
sample collection. All haematological parameter wereprocessedusingHorriba 5
part automatedcellcounter.Automatedcell counters,havemadetheplateletcount(PC)
andtheplateletvolumeindices(PVI)—mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet
distribution width (PDW) routinelyavailableinmostclinicallaboratories.
(IQC)andexternalquality(EQAS)weredone throughoutthestudy.AllBiochemistry
parametershavebeenanalyzedusingfully automated analyzer Roche’s COBAS INTEGRA
The obtained parameters
were evaluated using descriptive statisticalanalysis.Statistical analyses were
performed using the IBM SPSS (statistical Package for the SocialSciencesv 20.0)
and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 software. The p value <0.05 was taken as
Table-1: Correlation between
various parameters of lipid profile and platelet indices in Case group
Patient Data |
Parameter |
No. of Patients with high value |
High PDW |
High MPV |
Total Cholesterol |
500 |
499 |
449 |
Triglyceride |
247 |
246 |
221 |
220 |
220 |
200 |
452 |
451 |
406 |
Table-2: Correlation between
various parameters of lipid profile and platelet indices in Control group
Control Data |
Parameter |
No. of Control |
High PDW |
High MPV |
Total Cholesterol |
50 |
02 |
00 |
Triglyceride |
50 |
01 |
00 |
50 |
00 |
00 |
50 |
00 |
00 |
our study comprising of 500 patient’s samples and 50 control samples, we have
observed that in patient’s group high levels of total cholesterol correlates
more with high value of PDW (Platelet distribution width) than with MPV (Mean
Platelet Volume). Same observation was made in case of high levels of
Triglyceride, High Density lipoproteins (HDL) and Low density lipoproteins
(LDL). These observations are summarized in table-1.
Out of 500 samples, we have included 180
dyslipidemic patients with uncontrolled diabetes. Here also we observed high
MPV and PDW.
In control group, out of 50 samples, only 2 samples
showed high values of PDW and only one sample showed high MPV. This observation
is summarized in Table-2.
Dyslipidemia, often an asymptomatic hidden state of
blood might be the root behind a large number of complications including the
life-threatening thromboembolic events. Role of platelets in such
thromboembolic events is well-known and various platelet volume indices have
been largely studied in these conditions.
Total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL
cholesterol are measured directly. TC and TG values reflect cholesterol and TGs
in all circulating lipoproteins, including chylomicrons, VLDL,
intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), LDL, and HDL.
TC and HDL cholesterol can be measured in the
nonfasting state, but most patients should have all lipids measured while
fasting (usually for 12 hour) for maximum accuracy and consistency.LDL
cholesterol values are most often calculated as the amount of cholesterol not
contained in HDL and VLDL.LDL can also be measured directly using plasma
ultracentrifugation, which separates chylomicrons and VLDL fractions from HDL
and LDL, and by an immunoassay method. Direct measurement may be useful in some
patients with elevated TGs.
Lipid measurement should be accompanied by
assessment for other cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes,
hypertension, smoking.
study was a humble attempt to study the changes in platelet volume indices in
cases of dyslipidemia.
Studies have shown that platelet count and size
might be gender and age dependent[10]. Hence wehave conducted this case control
study with both age and sex matched controls to avoid any such bias in our
The collection of samples was done in EDTA bulbs and
the samples were run between 2–6 hours after venepuncture to avoid bias due to
swelling of plateletsinEDTA [11].
We found that all three PVI – MPV, PDW were
significantly higher (p-value <0.05) in the study group than the controls,
i.e. hyper-lipidemic patients had significantly higher MPV, PDW than the
normolipidemic patients.
The association of increased MPV, PDW, P-LCR, and
platelet count with diseases related to endothelial dysfunction such as metabolic
syndrome, diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), and malignancy has been
shown in many studies[12,13,14,15].
PDWisameasureofplateletanisocytosiswithhigher value
indicating reactive platelet population[16].
Apracticaland reliableindexofplateletactivationhasbeen
tested,asmeasurementsofplateletnumber and size, the tendency to form aggregates
and the concentration of released substances stored inplateletgranules [17].
AlargerMPVisan indicatorofinvivoplateletactivationanditis
increasedinvasculardiseasesasmyocardial andcerebralinfarction[18].
We know that larger platelets are considered to be
metabolically, enzymatically and functionally more active than the smaller
platelets. They contain more dense granules and hence are more potent and thrombogenic
and this might be a cause for hyper-lipidemia being a pre-thrombotic state.
This study is correlated well with other study Khemka et al[19]andDesai KN [20].
Patel DS et al[21]have performed study of44 patients of
dyslipidemia & metabolic syndrome. Results shows that, MPV and PDW were
significantly high in patients having metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia in
case group compared to control group. The correlation between variables were
significant in both groups (p<0.0005). these results are correlated well
with our study.
Hyperlipidemic patients who have larger platelets
are more likely to have an associated disease condition and the platelet volume
indices may form a basis for the prediction of these diseases in hyperlipidemic
An attemptwasalsomadetocorrelatethese platelet
volume indices with the severity of hyperlipidemia. For this, PDW and MPV
values were correlated with the increasing values of total cholesterol and
triglyceride levels in This might be possibly due to the more likelihood of
occurrence of hyperlipidemia associated
complicationslikethromboticdiseaseswithincreaseinits severity. our study and
these results are comparable with some other study also like KhandekarM.M.[22],
Fuchs J[23].
We have observed that that increased MPV, PDW is
associated with poor glycometabolic control with dyslipidemic patients.Insulin
resistance plays a pivotal role in the development of diabetic dyslipidemia by
influencing several factors. similar findings are observed in study of Desai KN[24].
PVI (Platelet Volume Indices) like MPV and PDW are
strongly associated with dyslipidemia.
The results showed that larger plateletsarepresentinpatientswithmetabolic
syndrome & dyslipidemia.Becauselargerplateletsaremore
reactive,theycancontributetoanincreased riskforcardiovasculardiseasesasa
complicationofmetabolicsyndrome. So, estimation of these PVI can be considered
as an early, economicalandrapidprocedurefor
identificationofcomplicationsinhyperlipidemic patients.
Also, further studies will elucidate the reactivity
of the larger platelets and the utility of the new parameter in assessing qualitativeabnormalitiesinplatelets.
We conclude that high MPV and PDW can be considered
as biomarkers for early detection of impendingdiabeteic complications like
microvascular complications.So these are very cost effective revolutionary
markers for early detections of such complications in developing countries at
low cost.
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