Primary actinomycosis of the
right upper extremity - an unusual presentation
Pratibha. S1,
S2, Lakshmi. K. S3,
Praveen Kumar R4
1Dr. Pratibha. S., Assistant Professor of
Microbiology, 2Dr. Arundhathi.
S, Assistant Professor of Pathology, 3Dr.
Lakshmi. K. S, Associate
Professor of Pathology, 4Praveen Kumar R., Research Assistant, all
authors are affiliated with Department of Microbiology, Sanjay Gandhi
Institute of Trauma and Orthopedics, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Address for
Correspondence: Dr. Arundhathi. S, Assistant Professor of
Pathology, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedics,
Byrasandra, Jayanagar East, Bengaluru. Email id:
Actinomycosis is a chronic disease characterized by multiple abscesses,
granulomas, tissue destruction, extensive fibrosis and formation of
sinuses. We report a case of 45 year old female with primary cutaneous
actinomycosis of right upper extremity, which is a very rare site of
occurrence. The patient was treated successfully with extended period
antimicrobial treatment with Doxycycline (spacing) and Cefixime.
Key words:
Actinomycosis, Abscess, Discharging sinus, Extremity, Swelling
Manuscript received:
4th January 2018, Reviewed:
14th January 2018
Author Corrected:
20th January 2018,
Accepted for Publication: 25th January 2018
Actinomycosis is a chronic disease characterized by multiple abscesses,
granulomas, tissue destruction, extensive fibrosis and formation of
sinuses. Actinomycosis in human beings is an endogenous infection. The
actinomycotic species are present in mouth, intestine and vagina as
commensals. Trauma, foreign bodies or poor oral hygienefavour tissue
invasion. Actinomycosis most commonly occurs in three regions-
Cervicofacial (55%), Abdominopelvic (20%) and Thoracic (15%) [1].
Involvement of other parts of the body is uncommon, usually secondary
tolesionin one or other above mentioned sites.
Primary actinomycosis of an extremity is very uncommon with less than
50 case reports in the literature[1]. It can occur by secondary
involvement through direct extension orhematogenousspread. Hematogenous
dissemination can occur from common primary sites and is reported to
occur in 3% of cases[2].A case of primary actinomycosis of the right
upper extremity in a 45 year old female is presented in this case
report because of its rarity.
A 45 year old female laborerpresentedto Department of
Orthopaedicswithmultiple discharging sinuses since 9 years, which
started in right forearm and slowly involved right arm. Patient gave
history of fall and injury to right arm and shoulder followed by
development of multiple small wounds with purulent foul smelling
discharge on the medial aspectofright arm and forearm which healed
gradually to form scars.There was no history of cough, fever, loss of
weight and discharge of bonyspiculesfromsinuses. The patient was
treated with several oral and injectable antibiotics in past 9 years
before presenting to us.
On examination, patient wasafebrileand her systemic examination was
within normal limits.Local examination revealed multiple discharging
sinuses over right arm and forearm with a fewpuckered scars (fig 1a
& 1b). There was deformity of right arm due to fracture of
shaft of right humerus. The skin was indurated, hyper pigmented and
with a few healed fistulous tracts.The left upper limb was normal.
There was no palpable lymphadenopathy and distalneurovasculardeficit.
Fig 1a & 1b:
Clinical picture showing multiple discharging sinuses involving right
arm and forearm.
Laboratory findings revealed raised total leucocyte count of
15,600/cumm, with neutrophils 69%, lymphocytes 25%, eosinophils 3%,
monocytes 3%. Hemoglobin was 10.0gms%, PCV 32%, ESR 40 mm/hr, random
blood glucose 101mg/dl, blood urea nitrogen 20mg/dl, serum creatinine
1.1mg/dl, serum uric acid 7.7mg/dl. Serum electrolytes were within
normal limits. SGOT 55U/L (5-35), SGPT 40U/L (5-35), Alkaline
phosphatase 256 U/L (53-128), C - reactive protein 19.0mg/dl
(0-0.6mg/dl) [1:2 dilution by turbidometry method].
Provisional diagnosis of osteomyelitis of right humerus with
pathological fracture was made. Biopsy was performed under general
anaesthesia and patient was treated with injectiblecefaperzone+
sulbactam 1.5gm and Amikacin 500mg twice daily for 7days. She was
advised non weight bearing until further orders, along with continuous
physiotherapy. Tissue from sinus tract was sent for histopathology,
Gram’s stain and culture and sensitivity.
Biopsy from the discharging sinuses revealed bony trabaculae with mixed
inflammatory infiltrate consisting of neutrophils, macrophages and
lymphocytes. Actinomycotic colonies with Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon
were seen with suppurative granulomas composed of multinucleated giant
cells, epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and neutrophils. Also seen were
areas of necrosis which was suggestive of Actinomycotic osteomyelitis
[fig 2].
Fig-2.: Actinomycotic
colonies with Splendore- Hoeppliphenomenon (H &E, 40X)
Gram stain done on section from paraffin block revealed many pus cells
with a few Gram positive filamentous bacilli with club shaped
structures suggestive of Actinomycosis (Actinomycetoma of right
hand)[fig 3].
Fig-3.: Gram
positive filamentous structures along with club shaped structures
(Gram’s stain, 100X)
Modified ZN stain was negative (with 1% H2SO4). Culture of pus from
discharging sinuses yielded scanty growth of spidery colonies after
72hrs but colonies failed to survive on further incubation
anaerobically. With this we confirmed it as primary actinomycosis of
right upper extremity. Finally, patient was started on
injectibleCefzone S 1.5gm and Amikacin 500mg twice daily for 7 days,
later advised to take oral Doxycycline and Cefixime for 6 months. The
patient responded well to treatment and the sinuses healed with scars
[fig 4a & 4b].
Fig-4a & 4b:
Clinical picture showing healed sinuses with scars
Actinomycosis is a rare infection primarily caused by Gram positive,
non-spore forming, and anaerobic bacillusofActinomyces species. It is
primarily a commensal in oral cavities, including tonsillar crypts,
dental plaques,caries teeth and female genital tract [1]. Infection
occurs after traumathat creates an anaerobic condition predisposing to
this microorganism and is commonly associated with other bacterial
infections. It is characterized by chronic granulomatous
suppurativemicroabscesses and draining sinuses. It easily spreads to
adjacent structures and organs. Because of the exclusive endogenous
habitat of the etiologic agent, head and neck, thorax andabdomenare the
commonly involved sites [1]. Actinomycete is less virulent than other
bacteria and requires a non-intact skin to invade and an anaerobic
environment to cause illness. Sulfur granules (grains) containing
filamentous or club shaped structures that are Gram positive but
acid-fast negative are found in pus and tissue specimens [1].
Actinomycosis involving extremities is rare buthasbeen reported in
literature. Only few cases from an infection in the hand and wrist have
been reported [3, 4].
Actinomycosis has been called the “most misdiagnosed
disease’’ and has been a diagnostic challenge even
to most experienced clinicians. Its chronic and indolent course
resembles that of tuberculosis, fungal infection, malignancy and delays
early diagnosis and treatment [5].This was the scenario in our case too
where patient was misdiagnosed and was started on antitubercular drugs
before histopathology, Gram’s stain smear, Zeihl Nielsen
stain smear and Culture results were available.
An appropriate diagnosis of actinomycosis requires a combination of
microbiological, pathological and molecular studies. The clinical
diagnosis starts with obtaining a sample of suppurative exudate, tissue
or sulphurgranules. It is imperative that antibiotic therapy to be
withheld until the sample/specimen is obtained or else actinomyces may
not be isolated. Diagnosis of Actinomycosis is considered when a direct
Gram stain of the suppurative exudates or histologic section shows Gram
positive, non – acid fast rods in diphtheroidal arrangements
with or without branching [2].
Osteomyelitis due to Actinomyces has been reported infrequently in
adults [6]. Bone involvement occurred in 1 - 15% of those series
reviewed by Lewis and associates [7]. Hematogenous spread of
actinomyces with extra osseous granuloma formation and minimal sub
periosteal bone reaction has been reported by Gholamreza R
[8].The diagnosis of actinomycoticosteomyelitisoften is overlooked
because of this entity’s ability to mimic other conditions.
Actinomyces species are susceptible to many antibiotics in vitro.
Clinical experience supportsPenicillinGas the drug of choice, and in
order to avoid relapse, prolonged treatment is advisable. Therapy
should be individualized, but high doses (18-24 million units/day) of
Penicillin over a long period of time (2-6 weeks) followed by oral
therapy with Penicillin or Amoxicillin to complete 6 to 12 months seems
reasonable.However there are some reports of successful short term
treatment with B-Lactam antibiotics in special circumstances. In
penicillin-allergic patients, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Tetracycline,
Clindamycin, Erythromycin and Cephalosporins have been proven to be
effective [9].In our case the patient was successfully treated with
long term Doxycycline and Cefixime. The prognosis is good if recognized
and treated earlyas hematogenous dissemination is a frequent
complication of actinomycosis.
In summary, this case report emphasizes the importance of early
diagnosis with histopathology, Gram stain and culture. This case report
also enlightens that delayed treatment can lead to increased morbidity
and even mortality as actinomycosis mimics several other diseases and
acts as “a great mimicker”.Involvement of upper
extremity by actinomyces though rare is well documented and has to be
ruled out.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Pratibha. S, Arundhathi. S, Lakshmi. K. S, Praveen Kumar R. Primary
actinomycosis of the right upper extremity - an unusual presentation.
Trop J Path Micro 2018;4(1):59-62.doi: 10.17511/jopm.2018.i1.10.