Role of Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in patients presenting with cervicallymphadenopathy referred to Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch

Upadhyay J1, Shingala A2

1Dr. Jigna Upadhyay, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat, India, 2Dr. Abhikumar Shingala, MPH candidate, Class of 2018, Tennessee State University, USA

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Jigna Upadhyay, Department of Pathology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat. Email:


Background and Aim: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a simple, quick and inexpensive method that is used to sample superficialmasses like cervical lymph node found in the neck and is usually performed in the outpatient clinic. Cervicallymphadenopathy is a common clinical presentation across patients of all age group. The aetiology may range from a benign nonspecificinflammation to lymphoproliferative disorders and metastatic malignancy. The present study was undertaken to study non neoplastic andneoplastic lesions of enlarged lymph nodes by Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in patients presenting with cervical lymphadenopathyreferred to pathology department from the Gujarat Adani Institute of medical science, Bhuj, Kutch over a period of two years. Methods: Total of 850 patients were subjected to FNAC of cervical lymph nodes over two years period. Since in 35 patients, the aspirate was inadequate the remaining 815 cases were analyzed. Results: Overall tuberculous lymphadenitis was the most common finding (42.45%), followed by reactivehyperplasia (35.09%). Malignant pathology accounted for 20.24% of cervical lymph node enlargement, most of which was due to metastaticsquamous cell carcinoma (65.4%). Conclusion: This study highlights the usefulness of FNAC as a reliable method for diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy

Key words: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology,Lymphadenopathy, Neoplastic, Squamous cell carcinoma

Manuscript received: 28th December 2017, Reviewed: 6th January 2018
Author Corrected: 14th January 2018, Accepted for Publication: 18th January 2018


Lymphadenopathy is an abnormal increase in size and alteredconsistency of lymph nodes. It is a clinical manifestation of regional orsystemic disease and serves as an excellent clue to the underlyingdisease. Cervical lymphadenopathy is a common clinical presentationacross patients of all age group. The aetiology may range from a benignnonspecific inflammation to lymphoproliferative disorders andmetastatic malignancy. FNAC is widely used as first line investigation for the diagnosis of lymphadenopathy. This simple, easy and quicktechnique can diagnose reactive, infective and malignant conditions.Several studies in the past have documented the diagnostic accuracy ofFNAC with reference to cervical lymphadenopathy among patientspresenting to tertiary care institution to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy ofFNAC [1-4].

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology enables a simple and rapid diagnostic approach of patients with lymph node enlargement. Several studies in the past have documented the diagnostic efficacy of FNAC in lymphadenopathyThe present study was undertaken to study non-neoplastic andneoplastic lesions of enlarged lymph nodes by Fine needle aspirationcytology (FNAC) in patients presenting with cervicallymphadenopathy referred to cytopathology department from theOPD/IPD of Department of Pathology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat over a period oftwo years.

Materials and Methods

Study Design, Study Population and Study Duration- This study was carried out over a period of two years at a tertiary care institute Department of Pathology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat, India.

Sampling Methods and Sample collection- A total of850 patients with cervical lymphadenopathy was subjected to FNACusing 23 G needle and a 10ml disposable syringe. The slides were bothair dried and wet fixed in alcohol for May-Grunwald Giemsa andPapanicolaou stain respectively.Clinical records and details ofinformation like of age, sex, site, size, duration, involvement of otherlymph nodes and other investigations were done.

The cases were divided into following groups, viz.: (a) Reactivehyperplasia: Smears were very cellular, showing a polymorphouspopulation of lymphoid cells and histiocytes. (b) Tuberculouslymphadenitis: showed epithelioid cell granulomas with or withoutcaseous necrosis and giant cells. Smears showing only caseousnecrotic material and lymphocytes were also grouped as tuberculousinflammation. (c) Metastatic malignancy: revealed malignant cells inclusters or scattered discretely along with other lymphoid cells.

Metastatic carcinoma was subdivided (e.g. Squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, etc.) according to cytological features (d) Lymphoma: cases with a mixed cell population and the characteristicReed-Sternberg giant cell were categorized as Hodgkin's lymphoma.Non – Hodgkin's lymphoma showed a monomorphous population of small lymphoid cells or lymphoblast. (e)Miscellaneous group: showed features which conform to none of the above mentionedgroups (e.g. RosaiDorfmann disease).

Statistical Analysis- Qualitative data will be expressed as percentages and proportions. Quantitative data will be expressed as mean and standard deviation. The differences between two groups with respect to continuous variables will be analysed using t-test while categorical variables will be analysed using chi-square test. All the statistical tests will be performed in SPSS version 15 software.P value <0.05will be considered as statistically significant while P value<0.01 will be considered as statistically highly significant.


In this study 850 patients were subjected to FNAC for cervicallymphadenopathy. Among these patients, in 35 cases, the aspirate wasinadequate despite repeated procedure. Hence these 35 cases wereexcluded from study and we proceeded to analyse the remaining815cases.The male: female ratio in this study was 1.36:1, the mean age ofpresentation being 30.9 years and 26.8 years for male and femalepatients respectively. The age at presentation ranged from 6 months to70 years. We received the maximum number of patients (23.68%) inthe 21-30 years age group, and the least (2.94%) in the >60 years agecategory (Table 1).

Table-1: Age wise distribution of cases

Age groups

Reactive Hyperplasia








































































Tubercular lymphadenitis (42.45%) was overall the most commoncause of lymphadenopathy. Most of, the cases occurred between 21-30years.

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia was the second most common finding (35.09%) predominantly in the age group 0f 11-20 years. As expected, the percentage of malignant cases rose steadily with age and accountedfor 42.30% cases of cervical lymphadenopathy in patients more than

50 years of age. Malignant pathology accounted 20.24% cases of cervicallymphadenopathy (Table 1). Of these neoplastic lesion, metastaticlymphadenopathy (82.42%) was most common. Rests of the neoplastic cases were NHL 12.72% and Hodgkins lymphoma 4.84%.

Among the metastatic lesion, squamous cell carcinoma topped thechart with 65.4%, as opposed to metastatic adenocarcinoma29.41%found in only cases. Other than these, there were 2 cases of metastaticnasopharyngeal carcinoma (1.47%), 4 undifferentiated carcinoma2.94% and a single case of metastatic malignant melanoma. Besides the above mentioned causes of lymph node affliction, wenoted three cases of Cat scratch disease, six cases of Rosai Dorfmandisease (sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy). All 6patients were less than 15 years of age. Malignant lesions were more inthe >50 years age group whereas in all other age groups tuberculouslesions predominated.


Cytology of cervical lymph node is the first investigation in diagnosis of many diseases in tertiary care settings[5]. FNAC of cervical lymphnodes helps to explore the various lesions that involve these In thepresent study males were more commonly involved than females with male:female ratio of 1.36:1 .Age of patients showed a wide rangestarting from as early as 6 months to 70 years old, most of the casesoccurring between 20-29 years of age group. Similar findings wereobserved by Pandav AB et al. [5] and Shakera N Baji and co-workers[6]. Since infections from oral cavity, ears, nose, and para nasal sinusesdrain into cervical nodes, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia is a common finding[7]. However, in our study tuberculous lymphadenitisemerged as commonest (42%) cause of cervical lymphadenopathy.

Lymphadenopathy presents an opportunity for a quick and efficient way to reach an early diagnosis through fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the involved lymph node. Lymph nodes react to a variety of micro-organism and non specific stimuli by expansion of follicle centers and / or intrafollicular tissue. Since infections from oral cavity, ears, nose and paranasal sinuses drain into the nodes, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia is a common finding. Germinal centres may be very large in some cases of reactive follicular hyperplasia. If the aspirate derives from such a large germinal centre, the proportion of large cells (centroblasts, dendritic reticulum cells) and the number of mitoses may be impressive enough to suggest malignant lymphoma. However, the full range of lymphocyte transformation is still present, including small lymphocytes and the various cell types occur in logical proportions. Small lymphocytes are numerically predominant. A variable number of plasma cells can usually be found. The presence of macrophages with tingible bodies favors reactive hyperplasia.

Most of the cases occurred between 20-29 years of age. A decliningtrend in cases has been observed after 30 years of age. Thiscorroborates with other studies conducted by other studies [8]. The high incidence of tuberculosismay be explained by the fact of low socioeconomic condition,poorhygiene and lack of awareness in the region.

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia was the second most commonlesion,commonly in the younger age group. Males were affected morethan females. These findings correlate with study by Shakera N Bajiandcoworker [8].The incidence of reactive lymph node enlargementfell steadily the 5th decade onwards and malignant lesions being most common.Among the malignant lesion, metastatic lymphadenopathy (80%) wasthe most common and predominant cause in patients ranging from 40years and above.Rest of the cases were that of NHL (12.8%) andHodkins lymphoma (4.9-%). These findings are similar to studies byK.BhuyanMedhi et al[9].Among the metasticlesions,squamous cellcarcinoma (65%) was the commonest. Metastatic squamous cellcarcinoma was found to be more common in males and most of thecases occurred between 50-59 years of age. Similar observation wasnoted in studies done by Nath s et al[10] Metastatic adenocarcinomaand few cases of undifferentiated carcinoma constituted the rest ofmalignant lesions. The high incidence of metastatic lymphadenopathymay be due to high incidence of malignancy of Head and neck region inthis geo-economic block.We noted 8 cases of Rosai Dorfman syndrome. It is a benign condition andsome rare causes of cervical lymphadenopathy[11]. It usually occurs inthe first decade of life and manifest as massive enlargement of cervicallymph nodes.


The most frequent causes ofcervical lymphadenopathy are tuberculosis, reactive lymphadenitis, and metastatic malignancies. In large number of cases FNAC alone isenough for diagnosis in proper clinical setting and surgical procedureslike biopsy can be avoided even in tertiary care settings.

What this study addto existing knowledge?This study highlights the usefulness of FNAC as a reliable method fordiagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy.Exactearlydiagnosis can save the patient from high mortality and morbidity especially in malignant diseases.

Funding: Nil, Conflict of interest: None initiated
Permission from IRB: Yes


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How to cite this article?
Upadhyay J, Shingala A. Role of Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in patients presenting with cervically mphadenopathy referred to Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch. Trop J Path Micro 2018;4(1):113116. doi: 10.17511/jopm.2018.i1.20.