aggressive tumor in parotid gland
Sathish SK1,
1Dr. Sathish Selvakumar, Assistant
Professor, 2Dr.
Rajalakshmi Vaithyanathan, Professor and Head, both authors are
affiliated with Department of Pathology, ESIC- Medical College
PGIMSR, KK.Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Address for
Correspondence: Dr. Rajalakshmi V, Professor and Head
Department of Pathology, ESIC- Medical College PGIMSR, KK.
Nagar, Chennai, India. E-mail id:
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) of salivary gland (SG) is rare with an
incidence of 2-5%. We describe a stage III, high grade NHL of parotid
gland in a background of benign lymphoepithelial lesions. A 54 year
female presented with a right side facial mass since 6 months. Fine
needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) suggested a lymphoproliferative
disorder and superficial parotidectomy was done. Histopathology and
immunohistochemistry (IHC) revealed an extranodal marginal zone NHL
with transformation to high grade diffuse large B cell lymphoma. SG
lymphoma should be considered in elderly and IHC helps in
prognostication and treatment protocols.
Key words:
Parotid gland, Lymphoepithelial lesions, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma,
Manuscript received: 16th
August 2017, Reviewed:
24th August 2017
Author Corrected:
30th August 2017,
Accepted for Publication: 8th September 2017
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) of salivary gland is extremely rare
constituting about 2–5% of all salivary gland neoplasms and
the parotid gland (50-93%) being the most commonly affected major
salivary gland [1, 2]. NHL can arise from an intraparotidlymphnode or
the gland per se, however their distinction on the basis of morphology
and prognosis is often difficult [1,3]. Most of them are of B cell
lineage the more common being low-grade B-cell lymphomas of
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), diffuse large B-cell
lymphomas and follicular lymphomas [1]. Benign lymphoepithelial lesion
(BLL) proves a suitable precursor lesion for an Extranodal marginal
zone B-cell lymphoma (EMZBCL) which can further transform into high
grade diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) [4]. EMZBCL of salivary
gland has to be differentiated from the non-MALT lymphoma and the
epithelial tumors as their management and prognosis is completely
different [1]. Immunohistochemical analysis of NHL helps in the
diagnostic classification, to guide a therapy, and to predict the
clinical outcome [5].
A 64 years female presented with swelling and pain in right parotid
region since 6 months. A firm mass with restricted mobility of 6x4cm
size with intact right facial nerve was noted. Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) neck also showed three nodular high intense solid lesions
with ill defined margins suggestive of malignant behaviour (Fig-1A).
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) revealed a cellular smear which
were pleomorphic with increased nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio and scanty
cytoplasm (Fig-1B). A possibility of a malignant lymphoproliferative
disorder was considered. Conservative superficial paroditectomy with
facial nerve preservation was done, which measured 7x4.5x2cm. Cut
section was fleshy with three ill defined nodular grey brown lesions
varying in sizes from 2 to 2.5 cm (Fig-1C).

Figure 1:A)
MRI neck showed 3 nodular high intense solid lesions with ill defined
margins suggestive of malignant lesions (Arrow). B) FNAC revealed a
cellular smear with pleomorphic cells, increased N:C ratio and scanty
cytoplasm. (H E, X400). C) Cut section was fleshy with 3 ill
defined nodular grey brown lesions varying in sizes from 2 to 2.5 cm.
Histopathological examination exposed a neoplasm arranged in sheets
consisting of large cells, scanty cytoplasm with round to oval
pleomorphic nuclei with vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli
(Fig-2A,2B). Brisk mitoses and necrosis were noted along with areas of
benign lymphoepithelial lesions (Fig-2B,2C,2D).

Figure-2: A)
Diffuse sheets of lymphoid cells were seen (H&E, X
40). B) Cells are large cells, scanty cytoplasm with round to
oval pleomorphic nuclei with vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli
with brisk mitoses (Arrows) (H E, X 40). C) Necrosis was noted.
(Arrow) (H E, X 40) D) Areas of benign lymphoepithelial lesions
were seen (Arrows) (H&E, X 40)
A diagnosis of extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of parotid gland with
transformation into high grade NHL was made. Immunohistochemistry
showed positivity of CD20 and BCL2 with high Ki67 index of 40 to 50%
(Fig-3A, 3B, 3C). CD10, BCL6, MUM1 (Fig-3D, 3E, 3F), CD5 and Cyclin D1
were negative confirming the transformation.

Figure-3: Microphotograph
showing tumor cells A) positive for CD20 (IHC, x200), B) positive for
Bcl2 (IHC, x200), C) Ki 67- high index 40% - 50% (IHC, x200), D)
negative for CD10 (IHC, x200), E) negative for Bcl6 (IHC, x200), F)
negative for MUM1 (IHC, x200)
A whole body PET-CT scan showed metabolic activity in portocaval,
peripancreatic and submandibular lymph nodes confirming a clinical
stage III disease (Fig-4A, 4B).

Whole body PET-CT scan showed metabolic activity in portocaval,
peripancreatic. (Arrow) B) & C) Metabolic activity in
submandibular lymph nodes confirming a clinical stage III disease
(Arrow and marking)
Post operative recovery was uneventful with intact facial nerve
function. Patient was started on R-CHOP regimen.
EMZBL of MALT-type is the predominant type of lymphoma in salivary
gland [6]. In the mucosal sites they are referred as mucosa-associated
lymphoid tumors (or maltomas), first described by
Isaacson and Wright in 1983 [7]. They can present as a slow growing,
less painful mass creating diagnostic dilemmas [4]. Majority develop in
parotid glands (76%), and the rest in submandibular (20%), sublingual
(3%) and palatal glands (1%) [8]. Kalpadakis et al has reported
increased incidence in females in a series of 76 patients with
non-gastric EMZBL for unknown reasons [9]. NHLs such as
marginal zone lymphomas, follicular and DLBCL are common and marginal
zone lymphomas are heterogeneous B-cell tumors arising in lymph nodes,
spleen, or extranodal tissues [1].Chronic
lymphoproliferations such as BLL can act as fertile ground for lymphoma
development of which EMZBL of MALT type is the commonest to occur
[1,4]. BLL are clusters of B cells inter-digitating with ductal
epithelial cells and may contain clonal B cells [4]. Many such lesions
were identified in our case. Though FNAC has its reservations in
diagnostic utility of salivary gland lymphomas, along with clinical and
radiological evaluation, it helps in preoperative assessment [4]. FNAC
in our case showed a high grade malignant lymphoproliferative lesion.
Surgery helps in treatment, reaching a definitive histological
diagnosis and planning of follow up [4]. De novo transformation into
DLBCL can occur in low grade lymphomas such as follicular lymphoma,
CLL/SLL or marginal zone lymphoma making up to 30%–40% of NHL
in adults [10]. DLBCL has medium to large cells arranged in a diffuse
pattern often distorting normal architecture and the neoplastic cells
are positive for CD20, CD19, CD79a, CD22 and PAX5 markers and
proliferation index is usually more than 40% [5]. Hans et al. divided
DLBCL cases into germinal centre B cell like (GCB) subtype with good
prognosis and non GCB cell like subtype with poor prognosis, based on
the expressions of CD10, Bcl- 6, and MUM 1[10]. Positive expression of
CD10, Bcl-6 and negative expression of MUM1 suggest GCB cell like
subtype, whereas negative expression of CD10, Bcl-6 with MUM1
positivity suggest non GCB cell like subtype [10]. CD10, Bcl6 and MUM1
are independent markers for prognostication [10]. BCL-2 positivity is
seen in lymphomas but not in hyperplasia of monocytoid B cells and is
associated with poor prognosis [10]. Our case was positive for CD20 and
BCL2 with negative staining for Bcl6, CD10, MUM1, CD5, Cyclin D1, and
EBV.Ki 67 proliferation index was more than 40%, all
suggesting a non GCB subtype carrying a poor prognosis. IHC markers
therefore immensely help in predicting prognosis and directing
treatment options thereby help in improving the survival of patients
with DLBCL [5]. Extra gastric MALT lymphoma in head and neck especially
salivary gland region behaves more aggressively and can recur in other
organ sites when compared to the gastric type and therefore regular
follow up planning is essential [4].Myeloid cell Nuclear
Differentiation Antigen (MNDA) is an emerging marker for Marginal Zone
Lymphoma and can differentiate from follicular lymphoma [5]. Complete
evaluation for disseminated disease is essential before the
commencement of the treatment [4]. PET-CT scan can be used for staging
and follow up [4]. Our patient had clinical stage III at the time of
presentation with metabolically active large portocaval and
peripancreatic lymphnodes. Radiotherapy or surgery has been advised for
localised disease while chemotherapy along with surgery and or
radiotherapy is needed for disseminated diseases [4]. CD20 positivity
of lymphoma helps in the usage of rituximab (monoclonal anti CD20
antibody) in chemotherapy therapy regimens [5].
Parotid gland lymphomas can mimic benign lesions and should be
considered in the differential diagnosis especially in elderly
patients. A high index of suspicion is required for an early diagnosis.
IHC expression of CD20, BCL2, CD10, BCL-6 and MUM1 helps in
prognostication and treatment protocols.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Sathish SK, Rajalakshmi V. An aggressivte umor in parotid gland. Trop J
Path Micro 2017;3(3):317-321.doi: 10.17511/jopm.2017.i3.16.